Sunday, March 10, 2019

Daylight savings blues...

Normally I would be writing a typical post about typical things. Though it is admittedly a slow news weekend, I probably could come up with something to write about it. But right now I'm pretty exhausted and brain addled.

Why? Because of stupid Daylight Savings Time. Every year we have to change the clocks twice and even when you gain an hour of sleep my brain just can't handle it. But in spring you lose an hour and also have to deal with the time change.

Some people are able to adjust to the time change easily. I am not one of those people. I have always had a very hard time adjusting to the time change. I'm usually completely useless on the day of it and after that I have a week or two where I'm exhausted.

I'm not alone in feeling this way and it always makes me wonder why we put up with it. As far as I am concerned there is no reason to not be on daylight savings time or standard time all the time. I've always said that the switchover is one of the dumbest things and that I'd seriously consider voting for anyone who campaigns on getting rid of it regardless of political party...

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