Tuesday, July 10, 2018

I'm slightly nervous for President Trump's visit to the UK.

President Donald Trump is visiting the UK this Sunday and I am not really that happy about it. Why? Well here is a list:

-There are going to be huge protests in London. Some of those protesters are going to be unhinged.

-England has a huge problem with Islamic extremism. That problem is out of control and could threaten our president.

-The Mayor of London is a Muslim who hates Donald Trump and is very far to the left politically.

-The May government is about to collapse in on itself over Brexit. The country is not as stable as it could be.

Of course Trump has visited other countries before. His trip to France brought up similar concerns but it went off without a hitch. So why worry about the UK? I don't know. Maybe it's nothing but I just have a gut feeling that the UK isn't a place where the president of the United States should visit. It's sad to say but I would feel much better if President Trump was visiting North Korea instead of the UK...

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