Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Despite Democratic push, most US voters oppose abolishing ICE.

Democratic candidate for congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez  has called for the abolition of ICE. Politico/AP.

Despite a major Democratic push, most US voters oppose abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Politico. Only 1 in 4 voters in Politico/Morning Consult poll said they are in favor of abolishing ICE while 54% said they do not support it with the rest being undecided. Only among Democrats was there support of abolishing ICE with only a 43% plurality saying they should with 34% saying they should not. Republicans and Independents both supported keeping ICE at 79% and 54% respectively. 

My Comment:
This does not surprise me at all. Immigration enforcement is very popular and even in this poll it was shown that most people support it. I wasn't able to figure out how accurate the poll is in terms of sampling but President Trump's approval rating was at 46%, only one point off from the generally reliable Rasmussen polls, so I am guessing it is ok. 

I think part of this is due to the fact that the immigration faux controversy has fallen back into the background along with Stormy Daniels and gun control. The big controversy now is the Supreme Court and the Thai cave story was a pretty good positive distraction as well. People have forgotten about the "border crisis".

Part of it too was how dishonest the media was being about the issue. Everyone saw the Time magazine cover with the crying little girl that people said was separated from her family. Once the truth came out that she was never separated from her family a lot of the outrage ceased, along with the fact that the holding facilities looked nicer than most people's houses. Plus there was the whole "let's use pictures of the Obama administration to discredit the Trump administration" thing as well. 

I think even among the people that thought the child separation was a problem disagreed with trying to end ICE. The obvious solution would be to end the child separations. People still want immigration laws enforced but want it done in a more "humane" way. Among those people I am guessing they think abolishing ICE is equivalent of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. 

Still, I think immigration enforcement is fairly popular and I am guessing there are a lot of people that only said "abolish ICE" because they were afraid to say what they think. When it comes down to it I don't think people want illegal immigrants flowing into the country. 

Which makes me wonder why on earth the Democrats are trying to run on this issue? Immigration enforcement is popular among their minority base as blacks and legal Hispanics do want our borders protected. Sure, the activist left hates it but that just seems like the lunatics running the asylum. 

My only guess is that the Democratic Party is only going open borders because Donald Trump is an anti-immigration. The party doesn't seem to have much else going on for them other than opposing Donald Trump and have no real message otherwise. 

After Trump got elected I thought that was going to be a turning point for the Democrats. It was, but not in the way I expected. Instead of trying to the center to try and widen their base they have gone far left. And now a small number of extremely loud activists are in control of the party and have gone so far as to advocate violence. '

This is a pretty terrible outcome for them but one that helps the Republicans greatly. The hard left turn of the party and the reprehensible behavior we are seeing from the left is going to fire up the GOP and turn off independents. Instead of the referendum on Trump, I feel the 2018 midterms are going to be a referendum on the Democrats... 

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