Sunday, May 7, 2023

Washington Post/ABC News poll shows deep dissatisfaction for Joe Biden.


Joe Biden. ABC News/AP.

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows deep dissatisfaction for Joe Biden and his presidency. ABC News. Biden's approval rate is 36% in the poll which is lower than any other President at this point their Presidency, including three that did not get a 2nd term, including Trump, Truman and Carter. 68% of people said that Biden was too old to be president at 80, with only 44% saying the same thing about Donald Trump, who is 76. While Republicans largely said they would be happy with either Trump or DeSantis most Democrats said that they wanted someone else besides Biden with only 36% of them and Dem-leaning Independents wanting Biden to be the candidate. 

In a Biden-Trump matchup, 44% said they would vote for Trump with 38% going for Biden and 12% undecided. If the undecided are asked who they lean towards, the rate changes to 49% to 42%, with similar numbers for a Biden-DeSantis matchup. Even more troubling for Biden is that among people that said Trump should face charges for supposedly interfering with the 2020 election, 18% of them said they would still vote for Donald Trump over Biden. Even more deadly for Biden is his approval rate among Blacks, Hispanics and Independents are dropping rapidly. In a Trump-Biden matchup, Trump would get 27% of Blacks, 43% of Hispanics and 48% of Independents. 

My Comment:

If the results of this poll are correct and a fair election was held today Biden would be utterly destroyed by either Trump or DeSantis. And it doesn't even look close. Everyone is sick of Biden and don't think he is capable of being president. 

What really got me about this poll is that it appears to be biased in favor of the Democrats given how many people seem to want to see Trump prosecuted for nonsense. But even among that group an absurd 18% would vote for him over Biden. That means they honestly believe that Donald Trump is a criminal but would still vote for him over Joe Biden. That's absolutely devastating for Biden. 

It's also pretty bad that Biden is losing Blacks, Hispanics and women. Those are the big three for Democrats and even they are getting sick of Biden. If 1/4 of Blacks vote for Trump then it's over for Biden. And Hispanics are getting close to 50/50. It doesn't appear that any group is really excited for a 2nd Biden term. 

It also doesn't matter who runs against Biden, both Trump and DeSantis are beating Biden. Indeed, though I support Trump, I would vote for pretty much anyone to get Biden out of the White House. To be fair, the war between Trump and DeSantis has just gotten started and DeSantis isn't even officially running yet and a lot could happen between now and the nomination, but I think pretty much all Republicans except the die-hard never-Trumpers are team "anyone but Biden". 

So why is Biden's approval rating so bad? Well, why wouldn't it be? The economy is in shambles, crime is out of control, foreign policy is an absolute disaster, the border is a joke and we simply haven't had any good news as a country since Biden took office. He hasn't even been able to take credit for the end of the coronavirus pandemic since he botched that as well with his vaccine mandates. Indeed, he botched the issue so badly that his only semi-serious opponent in the Democratic Primary, RFK Jr. is basing his entire campaign on it. 

Of course the real problem is that we are assuming a fair election without interference from big tech, unbiased media and secure elections. I do think that some of the problems from 2020 aren't there anymore, but I'm starting to be convinced it's not voters that matter but ballot collection. And that's something Republicans are way behind on compared to the Democrats. 

On the other hand I don't know if the same tactics are going to work twice. Most people eventually accepted that Biden beat Trump largely because of the Coronavirus pandemic being such a mess. But if Biden's rocking a 36% approval rating and is seven points behind Trump in an approval poll right before the election then people are going to seriously question our elections, even more than they already do. 

Is it possible that Biden could turn it around? That seems very unlikely. The economy is not going to recover anytime soon. More banks are going to fail and we aren't going to see any reduction in rent or housing prices anytime soon with millions of illegals pouring into the country. Biden could of course try and fix some of this stuff but he seems incapable of changing course and only ever seems to double down.

Of course a lot could happen between now and November of 2024. Both Biden and Trump are of an advanced age and might not make it until then. Some new candidate could come along and shape up the race. And we could end up in a nuclear war with Russia. If that happens then who knows if there will even be an election in 2024? 

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