Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Hungary's Viktor Orban says Ukraine cannot win the war against Russia.


Hungarian Prime Minster Viktor Orban. Bloomberg. 

The Prime Minster of Hungary, Viktor Orban says that Ukraine cannot win the war against Russia. Bloomberg. Orban said in an interview with Bloomberg that Ukraine's military effort was doomed and by continuing to support the war all Europe was accomplishing was causing more deaths. Orban called for an immediate cease fire. Hungary said they will block further aid to Ukraine and further sanctions on Russia from the EU. The statements have come after Ukraine has sanctioned a Hungarian bank for working with Russia. 

My Comment:

Orban is one of the few people actually making sense these days. Though I don't agree with his sympathy for Ukraine, they are just as responsible for the war as Russia is and have committed war crimes. I have very little sympathy for either side in the war. 

But Orban is pretty obviously right. Ukraine cannot defeat Russia and that has been clear for a long time now. The billions of dollars worth of equipment and arms has lead to temporary successes at best and we have long entered the phase of diminishing returns. And it's clear that the war would have ended years ago if it wasn't for the fact that Ukraine has had billions of dollars worth of weapons given to them. 

It's utterly shocking that the Bloomberg article didn't mention the massive Russian victory at Bakhmut. Russia was able to capture the city after months of fighting despite the fact that Ukraine threw everything they had into the city. The fact that they had to evacuate the city with their tail behind their legs should be strong evidence that Orban has a point but of course Bloomberg didn't mention it. 

As for blocking the aid, it make sense for Hungary. Ukraine sanctioned one of their banks and dong so was a huge mistake. Hungary was cool on the war in the first place so punishing one of their banks is a good way to make them want to stop supporting the war. It make sense that Hungary would cut off Ukraine after that, especially since it's clear it's just throwing good money after bad. 

 This, of course, puts Orban at risk. The powers that be view him the same way they viewed Donald Trump. Not as a legitimate leader of a free country but as an enemy to be destroyed. I would not be surprised if they attempt to do what they did to Trump to Orban as well. It's also no wonder that Orban is openly hoping that Trump wins the 2024 race. He's the only candidate that is at all sympathetic to his argument about Ukraine. 

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