Monday, May 2, 2022

Supreme Court to likely rule against Roe vs Wade, overturning abortion according to a leak.


The Supreme Court building. Joe Ravi. 

A leaked draft from the Supreme Court shows that the court will overturn Roe vs Wade. Politico. Justice Alito wrote the draft and it will overturn the controversial abortion law and leave decisions on banning or allowing abortion to the states. The judgement will argue that Roe vs Wade was improperly decided because it created a right that had no basis on the constitution. The five conservative justices have joined the opinion with the three liberals dissenting. It's unclear which side Chief Justice Roberts will take. The leaking of a draft opinion is unprecedented and may be an effort to force the justices to change the ruling. 

My Comment:

Abortion is not usually a subject I write about since I have little interest in it either way. That makes me fairly unique among conservatives. It's the one major political issue that I simply don't care about and the ruling wouldn't affect me in any way. But that obviously isn't the case anymore as this ruling will have massive political implications and could even lead to violence. 

With that being said I do think that the ruling makes sense. I always thought from a legal argument Roe vs Wade was improperly decided. The constitution never mentions abortion and I can't imagine even for a second that the Founding Fathers believed that people had the right to kill their children in the womb. 

I also believe that leaving it up to the states to decide is the right way to go. In most cases where there isn't an iron clad constitutional argument, unlike the 1st and 2nd amendments for example, it should be up to the states to decide. Red states can ban abortion and blue states can allow it and that would be better for everyone. 

But I doubt people will see it this way. I don't think that pro-life people are going to be upset with this ruling even though some states will continue to have abortion but there will be some disappointment there. But the pro-choice people? They are going to be apoplectic. I'm talking riots, violence and perhaps even murder and assassination. 

I don't know what will happen in terms of protests and violence. I am sure that as soon as tomorrow there will be major protests against this decision at the Supreme Court. It's even possible that there will be violence. The left isn't used to losing and they also know that violence is a good way to get what they want, just look at the riots in 2020. The only problem with that theory is that the violent parts of the Democrats and the left aren't the same as the folks obsessed over abortion. I just can't see your typical antifa thug getting worked up over Roe vs Wade getting overturned. But some people just need any excuse they can find to riot. 

The ruling will probably be a major rallying cry for the Democrats in the 2022 election. It will probably increase turnout in an election that they were certain to lose otherwise. I still think they will lose and lose badly as everyone in favor of abortion is already voting for Democrats and you can't ignore the massive economic problems. 

Another issue is that this was leaked too early. The ruling was likely to be released in mid summer and that would have made the issue more fresh in the minds of the left than it will be now. The news cycle is so fast now, can you remember what happened last year? Or even a few months ago? Things like Afghanistan, the Coronavirus and Joe Rogan were all the main media event for a short period but now all are pretty much all forgotten. Abortion might be a little harder to kill but given attention spans these days I doubt abortion will be as big of an issue if they had just waited until the ruling was put out. 

The leak itself is unprecedented and seems like an obvious attempt to influence things. Whoever leaked this is hoping the liberal outrage and violence will intimidate the justices into changing the opinion. I doubt that will happen but I do hope that whoever released this will be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Intimidating the Supreme Court is unforgivable. 

Don't downplay how this will inspire and be a rallying cry for the Republicans as well. I am fully convinced that the Democrats will overplay their hand here and become totally unhinged. They will be violent and they will attempt to do things like stuff the court. That will infuriate Republicans and drive them to the polls as well. I fully expect the 2022 elections to have about the highest turnout in recent history. 

I also have to say that nothing is set in stone yet. It is possible that the Democrats intimidation campaign will work and this ruling will not come to past. If it does it will be unforgivable but sadly it is possible. The Court may decide that it's worth it more to them to keep the Court safe and to prevent Democrats from burning down the country. Time will tell what happens... 

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