Monday, December 20, 2021

What happens if the GOP wins back the house in 2022? Major investigations into the Biden administration.


Kevin McCarthy. Axios/Getty.

The Republican Party has plans to investigate the Biden administration on several major issues if they retake the house in 2022. Axios. The Republicans are widely expected to win back the house in 2022 due to poor polling for the Democrats and strong disapproval of the Biden administration. Documents obtained by Axios show that their goal in the house will be investigating several scandals in the Biden administration. Kevin McCarthy is expected to send a letter ordering Biden officials to preserve documents for these investigations. The investigations will include the circumstances of the fall of Afghanistan, the NSA spying on Tucker Carlson, the Justice Department targeting parents at school board meetings, the disaster at the border and the origins of the Coronavirus and the Biden administration's response. 

My Comment:

This is not surprising as it is revenge for what the Democrats did to President Trump in 2018. Unlike Trump though, the Democrats have some major real scandals that could be blown up by congressional investigations. Many of the issues raised above are things that the Biden administration did not answer for and people deserve to go to prison for. 

Of these I think the most serious ones are the NSA spying and the Justice Department targeting parents. Neither of those things had any right to happen and it seemed very clear that peoples civil rights were violated just because of their political beliefs. There was never any threat at these meetings, other than the ubiquitous threats that anyone in the public spotlight receives. Hell, I have gotten death threats just for my social media activity. It's idiotic to take it seriously, and the point was never to protect the school boards, it was to shut up the critics of critical race theory and covid restrictions. 

The other issues mentioned are more examples of incompetence than any criminal behavior. Afghanistan was of course a debacle and one that people absolutely should be fired over. Same with the border and the Coronavirus. The GOP should investigate these issues but I don't know if anyone should go to jail over them. 

Will anything happen with these probes? Probably about the same as what is happening with the Democrats asinine January 6th commission. A lot of sound and fury that signifies nothing. There isn't likely to be any action about these things with only the house under GOP control. 

I personally think both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris should be impeached and removed as they have been criminally incompetent and the circumstances around their election were not even close to being legitimate. That probably won't happen either, though an impeachment is possible if the Republicans take back the Senate as well. I just don't think they will get the votes to remove them. 

Speaking of the 2020 election, I do think there should be a major congressional investigation into both voter fraud and collusion between the Democrats, Big Tech and the national news media. Not seeing that among McCarthy's investigations is extremely worrying as it seems to imply that the Republicans will ignore what happened in 2020, which means they are at risk of having it happen again in 2022 and 2024... 

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