During an NORAD Santa tracker call in, a parent said "Let's Go Brandon" to Joe Biden, which Biden responded to. Fox News. Let's Go Brandon has been used as a short hand for "F Joe Biden" after an incident at a NASCAR event had the crowd yell it and a report claimed they were saying Let's Go Brandon instead. Biden inexpiably agreed and repeated the phrase himself. The phone call dropped then and Biden showed no reaction to the phrase, though Jill Biden did.
BREAKING: Joe Biden was taking calls from the NORAD Santa tracking program and a dad ended the call with "Merry Christmas, and Let's Go Brandon."
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) December 24, 2021
Biden replied with: "Let's Go Brandon, I agree" pic.twitter.com/Hc0pLWGRx1
My Comment:
This is a fairly minor story, but it is Christmas Eve, there isn't going to be a lot to talk about. But I also think it says a lot about Joe Biden and his popularity, along with his rapid decline in heatlh, so I think it's worth covering.
I personally think the comment was in poor taste. I am no fan of Joe Biden and I think if I ever met the guy I would probably just tell him to fuck off directly using those exact words. I wouldn't censor myself with this Let's Go Brandon nonsense. But I also think there is a time and place for everything. A kids event for tracking Santa? Not the time and place.
I do think this is a good example of how disliked Biden is though. He can't even get through a Christmas event without people heckling him. Nobody likes Biden except core Democrats and his poll numbers sure prove it. And everywhere he goes he gets heckled like this. President Trump got heckled once in awhile as well, but he had parts of the country where he would have thousands of his supporters show up too. Not so much for Biden. He has entire sports stadiums shouting the phrase. It's incredible.
What is truly shocking to me is that Biden didn't seem to recognize the phrase at all. That seems utterly impossible for me. There have been hundreds, maybe thousands of news articles about the phrase Let's Go Brandon, not to mention dozens of tv news reports on it. Democratic politicians have made statements about it and I am sure the party itself has internal documents about it.
How is it that Biden didn't recognize the phrase? Is he just that out of touch that nobody told him the meaning of what everyone is yelling at him? Are his aides protecting him, not showing him the coverage of people chanting it basically everywhere? Does he know and somehow not care? I guess the last option is possible, since it was a children's event but I didn't see anything in the clips I saw that showed any sort of recognition from Biden. Jill seemed to know what was up, but Joe certainly did not.
I don't think any of those things are that likely. I am guessing that Biden did know and was briefed at some point. Anyone with even the most basic knowledge of US politics right now knows the meaning of the phrase. I'm convinced that Biden did indeed know what the phrase meant, at some point.
What is scary is that I am convinced that he just forgot it. Biden is clearly having memory issues and seems to be in the early to mid phases of dementia or Alzheimer's disease. I had a family member that had the disease, tragically enough, and I recognize the symptoms. The confusion, the loss of memory, repeating stories all the time, the major mood swings, these are all symptoms and I think it's becoming more clear than ever that Biden should not be in charge.
It's almost enough to make me feel for the guy. I wouldn't wish dementia on anyone, it's a horrible way to live your last years. Biden's been a terrible president and I think he's a bad person in general, given the accusations of sexual abuse and corruption against him, but even I think that he doesn't deserve dementia. In a perfect world, Biden would have just remained at home in Delaware and lived out his remaining years in peace. But that's not the path he chose and we are all paying the price for it now.
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