Monday, December 6, 2021

Kamala Harris called a bully and accused of "soul destroying" management style.


Kamala Harris. New York Post/AFP.

Kamala Harris has been called a bully and accused of a "soul destroying" management style. New York Post. The report comes in the wake of high turnover among Harris' staff. Former aide Gil Duran was the source of the report, which originally appeared in the Washington Post. He said that Harris was the common issue with most of the resignations. Harris is accused of not paying attention during briefings and then blaming her staff when she was unprepared. She was also accused of having low self esteem and being extremely critical of her staff because of it. Other former staffers defended Harris saying she was a tough but fair boss.

My Comment:

It's very possible that this is just sour grapes from a former employee but I tend to believe it. For me, Harris is one of the most insufferable politicians to ever appear and I honestly think that even Hillary Clinton, one of the most unlikable candidates for president ever, is a lot warmer and more human than she is. 

What makes me think it is real is how much it conforms to my idea of what Kamala Harris is right. I know that isn't much of an argument but still. Harris always struck me as someone who would be extremely terrible to work for. And I do think she does have massive self esteem issues, she is not someone who strikes me as someone who is confident. 

The major staff exodus seems to confirm this view. This includes Symone Sanders, Harris' spokeswoman. Staff turnover is a good indication of a bad boss. And it seems like people are fleeing from a sinking ship.

I also think that Harris has been a failure as a Vice President. She was picked because she checked the right boxes, not because of any merits and I think she knows and resents that. She's got a major chip on her shoulder and it really shows. 

And she has no real accomplishments as well. Her biggest news story as VP was her utter failure to handle the immigration crisis. Not only did she not accomplish there she had one of the biggest gaffes in recent memory when she responded to a question about not visiting the border by saying she hadn't visited Europe either. 

Just imagine being her staffer there. You try to brief her on the border crisis and she doesn't pay attention. When she predictably screws up she screams at you and blames you for the backlash. You didn't do anything wrong but you are taking the blame. Is it any wonder why they would quit?

Normally this would just be a funny story about failure but keep in mind that Harris is just one heartbeat away from being President herself. She's proving that she can't handle the position she's in, let alone being POTUS. Biden has a good chance of not making it through 2024 and if that happens then we are in a large amount of trouble. 

I think that's why there are so many rumors about Harris being kicked out of office, kicked up stairs to the Supreme Court or not being asked to turn in 2024. And I think that's part of why there are so many negative articles about Harris right now. Remember, the original source wasn't the New York Post, it was the Washington Post. If they are the ones complaining about Harris, it's clear that the Democrats are not happy with Harris. 

Indeed, Harris is one of the most unpopular VP's in recent memories. It's to the point where even Biden, who's approval rating is cratering, has a good 10 to 15 point advantage in approval ratings. To say that would be shocking is an understatement giving how terribly Biden's presidency is doing. Harris is just completely unlikeable and isn't very good at her job and the reports from her staffers just seem to confirm that. 

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