Friday, October 29, 2021

Twitter suspension.


As you may know I have a twitter account, @politicswarblog. Just the other day a liberal friend tweeted at me saying that my account was at zero risk of being banned. Well, my twitter account is currently suspended, thankfully only for 12 hours. 

Why? Because I defended Kyle Rittenhouse. In short I said that he was a hero, not racist and that the guys he shot were either communists or pedophiles. The first thing is an opinion but one that millions of Americans shared. The other two things? Objective facts. The people that got shot were in fact bad dudes and one of them had convictions for sexual assault of minors. I mean, here's an article from the Washington Post that backs me up on that. 

Within minutes (seconds?) of posting that my account was suspended for 12 hours. They said I was "glorifying violence" even though Rittenhouse acted in self defense. And he was heroic not because he shot people but because he was there to help and he defended himself from violence. I appealed and it was instantly denied. I was forced to delete the tweet and the countdown for the ban to be lifted started. 

It is a bad situation for me as many of the views for this blog come from Twitter and I have friends on there (though many of them have been banned themselves.) I know I am on Gab and Parler (@politicswarblog for both) but neither website has the reach of Twitter. I also have Facebook (which I only post links to and get limited engagement) and Mewe (which is mostly irrelevant.) 

I'm basically stuck between a rock and a hard place with Twitter. I hate the company and I hate their censorship policies but if I want views for my blog I can't just delete my account. Plus there are a lot of good people on there and the site is wonderful for seeing breaking news as it happens (when they don't censor things). 

I also think that it's disgusting that Twitter is censoring favorable coverage of Kyle Rittenhouse. He has not been convicted of any crime and stands a very good chance of being acquitted. And even if he isn't, he was still at least trying to be a good person. It's very sad that things escalated to what they did last summer but I put the blame on that on antifa and BLM, and the people that support them. It's nowhere near outside of the Overton Window to support Rittenhouse but Twitter bans it anyways. 

In the future I guess I will have to censor myself even more than I do already on Twitter. The rules there are unclear and obviously biased so I am guessing I will get perma-banned there at some point. If that happens I will still be on social media but I can't see myself making another account on Twitter. Perhaps I will have to move to President Trump's new social network instead.  

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