Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Joe Biden's polls continue to get worse...


Joe Biden. New York Post/CNP.

Joe Biden's polling has continued to sink as even Quinnipiac says his approval is at just 38%. New York Post. This is a major drop from just three weeks ago when he was polling at 42% and 50% last February. Biden is underwater on approval on every major issue. His handling of the Coronavirus pandemic, a former major strength for Biden, has slipped to 48%. On the economy Biden was rated 39%, on foreign policy Biden rated 34% and on taxation he only got 37%. By far though Biden's worst issue is immigration, with just 25% approving of his handling of the border. He also got very low ratings for the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Even more worrying for Biden is that his approval numbers are being held up by Democrats alone as Independents rate him even worse at 32% approval. 

Poll by New York Post

My Comment:

Things are not looking good for Biden when it comes to polling. His support has utterly collapsed and even sympathetic polling outfits are not able to hide the discontent anymore. People are sick and tired of Joe Biden with only the most die hard of Democrats still supporting him. 

Indeed, he has done a lot worse than even I thought he was going to do. I never thought he would fail so miserably at the Afghanistan withdrawal, but that was just the start of his problems. He utterly failed at the border, which was more predictable, but he also has failed at getting the Coronavirus pandemic under control. Plus his vaccine mandate is very unpopular and unenforceable. He even manage to piss off one of our most vital allies, the French. 

But I think it's the economy which is really hurting his numbers. I was at the store today and we were back to having some shortages. Not as bad as we were during the early days of the pandemic, but it was clear they were out of goods. People are still staying home from work and there is a major labor shortage. Not to mention inflation making everything, from gasoline to groceries making everything more expensive.  And given how badly things seem to be going I would not be surprised if his numbers get even worse. 

And it's also clear that Biden is an albatross around the neck of the Democratic Party. The Gallup poll I posted up there shows that Biden's party is no longer viewed favorable by most Americans. Though I am guessing the civil war between progressives and moderates in the party isn't helping things, it's mostly Joe Biden's fault. 

A good sign of how bad things are going for Biden is the "F Joe Biden" chants that have broken out at sporting events and protests across the country. People are united in their distaste of Biden to the point that entire football stadiums are booing him. And he can't go anywhere without large protests against him. The level of disgusts is sky high and it's important to note that this isn't coming from professional protesters egged on by the media, like the protests and riots against President Trump were. Instead they are grassroots protests against Biden himself. 

This is obviously a dire sign for the Democrats when it comes to the 2022 midterms. If things do not change (and there isn't widespread voter fraud) the Democrats are going to get wiped out. The Republicans should easily get a majority in both the Senate and the House, along with a lot of state and local races as well. They may even get enough seats to impeach and remove Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. That's fairly unlikely but if it does have a chance of happening if things really go off of the rails. 

And that's not to say things aren't off the rails. Our country is in a tailspin and it's clear that the man in charge is out to lunch. Biden's mental state is not good and it's clear he is fading fast mentally. He honestly seems unhinged and I don't really know how much longer he will last. 

Is there anyway for Biden to right the ship? At this point I don't know. He might get a boost as the pandemic starts to fade, but who knows if that will happen for sure. But I don't think he can fix the massive problems he himself caused. Indeed, he just seems to want to double down. And you know what you are supposed to do when you are stuck in a hole? Stop digging. But Biden? He's just digging himself deeper and I wouldn't be surprised if the polling will get even worse for him. 

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