Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Loudoun county parent who was arrested for protesting against school board says they covered up the rape of his daughter.


The arrest of Scott Smith. Reuters.

A parent who was arrested for protesting against the school board of Loudoun County and their transgender policy says his daughter was raped by a "non-binary" boy. Fox News. Scott Smith was arrested on June 22nd and served 10 days in jail for disorderly conduct. He said his behavior was due to the assault on his daughter, a 9th grader, which occurred in the girls bathroom at school. The boy was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, which was confirmed by local police. At the school board meeting Smith flew into a rage after the Loudoun Country school Superintendent Scott Ziegler denied that any assault had occurred and denied the existence of a predatory transgender student. A local progressive activist also told Smith that she did not believe his story. The suspect in the assault of Smith's daughter was also charged with another incident where he is alleged to have kidnapped and assaulted another girl. 

The Daily Wire broke this story but the article is paywalled. 

My Comment:

I remember the outrage over bathroom bills a few years ago and this exact scenario was dismissed as anti-transgender propaganda. Activists said for years that nobody would pretend to be transgender just to assault people, even though it would make obvious sense that they would indeed do so. And when the obvious happened people downplayed and ignored the problem pretending it didn't exist. And that's what happened in Loudoun County. 

I am honestly impressed by Scott Smith's restraint. His daughter was assaulted (and from what I have read from the news report this wasn't rape, it was sodomy which is probably even worse) and then the school board had the audacity to lie about what happened. A disorderly conduct charge and resisting arrest is probably the best case scenario. 

The dirty secret of the T part of the LGBT community is there is a large number of sexual predators in their group. Obviously not all or even most transgender people are pedophiles or rapists but there is a large number of them that are. There are people like Johnathan Yaniv (legally Jessica Simpson) who is a vexatious litigant in Canada who gained fame for forcing people to wax his genitals and then suing them when they naturally refused. And there is Chris-Chan (Christine Chandler) who recently got charged with incest for having sex with his mother. 

These are a pair of prominent offenders but there are a lot more that don't make the news. Even on Twitter I have found quite a few accounts ran by transgenders that fly the transgender flag but also admit to being MAP (minor attracted persons). Some of these people are open pedophiles and more than a few of them like to abuse women as well. For all the whining about "incels" you would expect that the huge number of transgender who believe that they are entitled to have sex with lesbian women would get more criticism. 

Again, not all transgender people are like this, but enough of them are that it makes sense to fight these people on issues like these school boards pushing acceptance of the T part of LGBT. The horror stories that have emerged are largely ignored by progressive activists and they act like there aren't consequences for their actions. 

Of course if they would simply confront these people and disavow them they would go a long way to earning back goodwill. I have seen polls that acceptance of LGBT has decreased recently and I think this issue is why. If people would just admit that there was a problem and tried to deal with it, it would be a lot harder for people to be opposed to the T part of LGBT. 

Given the context now reveled about the Scott Smith arrest I have to point out that his arrest was used as justification for targeting protesters at school board meetings. According to the Biden administration Mr. Smith is a domestic terrorist. Because he got angry that his daughter got raped... 

I do think that the push back against schools is working. A lot of these school board members are getting voted out and they are getting replaced by non-woke conservatives. Indeed, I doubt that the Biden administration would be making a stink about it if it wasn't clear that the grassroots resistance against these new LGBT rules (along with Covid restrictions and mask mandates) weren't working. I think people should keep the pressure up and ignore the probably toothless threats from the Biden administration. 

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