Monday, October 4, 2021

Biden administration will now target protesters that challenge school boards.


Attorney General Merrick Garland. Politico/AP.

The Biden administration will now target protesters that challenge school boards, citing unspecified threats. Politico. The Justice Department will announce new efforts to address the rise in supposed threats. They are expected to announce a task force and new training programs. There has been a major wave of protests against school boards due to those boards making incredibly unpopular decisions, including pushing critical race theory, transgenders, coronavirus restrictions and other highly politicalized issues. In response the National School Board Association demanded action from the Biden White House. 

My Comment:

How transparent. This is an obvious attempt to silence dissent and undermine one of the Republican Party's main advantages in 2022. By investigating and prosecuting normal people that are opposed to the radical far left in our schools they will be attempting to destroy a grassroots movement that has arisen and succeeded in a way few right wing activist groups have done so. 

Are there threats? Probably. Everyone gets threats these days. Even I have gotten them occasionally and I am not even that active on social media. If you are a politician and you do anything even remotely controversial (or not even then) you will get death threats. That's just part of being an elected official. If these board members don't like it then they are free to quit. 

That doesn't mean I approve of people sending threats. I think they are mostly counterproductive and give excuse for the government to do evil things like this. If people do make actual threats then charge them. But that's a job for local police, not the federal government. 

And yes, none of this stuff belongs in school. I think all of it is incredibly damaging to young people. Covid mask and vaccine mandates for minors are stupid at best given how resistant to the Coronavirus children are. These young people will have their development damaged from not seeing people's faces and will also have their immune systems weakened by never encountering viruses. 

And I am more than a little worried about the LGBT nonsense in schools. I don't have much of a problem with LGB but the T side is, quite frankly, scary as hell. Given the huge spike of Transgender people in the past few years makes me think that it is primarily a social contagion that is spreading the illness. Plus, my encounters with the transgender community on social media has convinced me that many of them are open and proud pedophiles. 

But it is Critical Race Theory that is the most disruptive and dangerous of all. The theory is simply racism that wouldn't be out of place in a Klan meeting or Nazi propaganda piece, only with blacks and Jews crossed out and replaced with whites. It's a theory that is incredibly offensive to anyone who believes that the real and perceived grievances against previous generations should not be visited on the current one. I am not responsible for other peoples actions just because of the color of my skin and anyone that disagrees with that deserves to be challenged and protested against. 

The good news is that momentum is obviously in the favor of these parents that are standing up for their kids. Protesting these people is the right thing to do and threats from the Justice Department won't stop it. Prosecuting these protesters will just turn them into martyrs. And many of these school board members will be removed the next time they come up for election, as indeed many of them have been already.    

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