Saturday, October 30, 2021

Bid to smear Republicans in Virginia as racists is foiled and The Lincoln Project admits responsibility.


A photo of the incident. National Review. 

A bid to smear Republican candidate for Governor of Virginia Glenn Youngkin and his supporters as racists has been exposed after The Lincoln Project admits responsibility. National Review. The Lincoln Project said that their goal was to link Youngkin to the 2017 Charlottesville march, even though no such link exists. Five people wearing similar clothing to the marchers in Charlottesville and carrying tiki torches were photographed in front of Youngkin's campaign bus. The Democrats pounced on the images saying it disqualified Glenn Youngkin, even though he had nothing to do with it. Many people speculated that the incident was engineered by the Terry McAuliffe campaign before The Lincoln Project took credit for the incident. The Lincoln Project was an anti-Trump group of alleged Republicans who have made headlines for failing to deal with one of their founding members who sent pedophilic messages to young boys on the internet. 

My Comment:

I know I am a day late and a dollar short on this post but I thought it was important to cover this disgusting action by The Lincoln Project. I have been disgusted by them since their inception but this stunt was low even by their pathetic standards. 

The thing is that it was obviously a fraud from the beginning. Pretty much everyone on the right has denounced the Charlottesville incident and nobody dresses like that anymore. Everyone correctly noticed that the incident was poison and did a lot to distance themselves from the founders and participants in the rally (which is sad because the actual issue, defending monuments, is an important one and not one the Republicans should have given up on). In short, nobody who is actually in support of the Republican Party would do this to themselves. Especially near the eve of a critical and winnable election in a blue state that could reverse a lot of the most serious abuses the Democratic Party has done. It made no sense whatsoever. 

Of course it made perfect sense that the incident was a false flag. It was clear that Terry McAuliffe's campaign is in trouble due to his poor debate performance and the utterly radioactive noose around his neck which is the school scandals in his state. The Loudoun County incident where a girl was raped by a non-binary boy and was then allowed to do so again all while the school board lied about the whole thing was an utter disaster for the Democrats nationally, let alone in Virginia. McAuliffe then put his foot in his mouth in the background of this and said that parents shouldn't have a say on how their schools were run. That caused what used to be a safe race for the Democrats to turn into one where Youngkin is slightly favored and may very well win. 

The Democrats had to do something and what better way to tar Youngkin than to link him to the idiots that marched in Charlottesville. Never mind that the vast majority of them are persona non-grata in the Republican Party. Making it seem like they are still around and relevant in any way (seriously that was five years ago) might scare a few independents that care more about such things than the nonsense that is happening in Virginia's schools. 

Cue the useful idiots in the Lincoln Project. They did this false flag to bury Youngkin but since they are incompetent they failed miserably. They claim to be Republicans and they might have a point because now that the truth is out they may have secured Youngkin the election. People will hear about this and are probably going to punish McAuliffe just for being on the same side as The Lincoln Project, even if his own involvement hasn't been definitively proven yet. 

I wouldn't be surprised if he was involved. Internet sleuths have claimed to have identified most of the five people that were involved in this stunt and if they are right then they are Democratic operatives. I am not sure if they are right or not, half the time people on the internet seem totally face blind to me (see Sandy Hook conspiracy theories), but it is certainly possible. 

As for the election itself, I am thinking that Youngkin is going to win. You don't pull a stunt like this if you are confident that you are going to win and I almost wonder about this mornings reports of an ISIS terror threat in Virginia is an effort at voter suppression. There is, of course, the fear that there will be widespread voter fraud yet again but even with that I would encourage anyone who lives in Virginia to vote for Youngkin. The actions that the Democrats have taken in this election are disgusting and should be punished, not to mention the utter absurdity that is going on in Virginia schools. 

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