Thursday, October 28, 2021

Major US military contractors are expecting to lose thousands of workers due to Biden's vaccine mandate...


A Raytheon building. Reuters.

Major US military contractor Raytheon reports that they will lose thousands of workers if Biden's vaccine mandate comes into effect. The Hill. The Raytheon CEO said he is developing a plan to replace these workers. He also said that Raytheon would comply with Biden's mandate and thought that it might help business. But the disruption in workers will also result in major supply line disruptions, which is a danger due to Raytheon's large impact on the United States defense industry. Other companies have reported the same problem and are begging the Biden administration to delay implementing the mandate. 

My Comment:

It is utterly insane to me that Biden is still pushing the vaccine mandates. At this point it's almost treason as he is doing something that will cripple critical infrastructure and could destroy our economy. Even worse he is not granting an exception to critical defense industries like Raytheon. 

This is, of course, happening while tensions with China have never been higher. The chances of war with Taiwan are real and if it happens we will be caught with are pants down due to these vaccine mandates. Without these thousands of unvaccinated workers will places like Raytheon even be able to run?

Keep in mind that these aren't just lower skilled workers. Many of these workers have been in place for years and years and cannot be easily replaced. A lot of them have skills that have taken years to develop and some newly legalized criminal immigrant will not be able to take their place. Indeed, some of these people might be totally irreplaceable. This is a decision, if not reversed, will cost billions of dollars and will be almost impossible to fix. 

And of course this is a loaded gun pointed at the heart of the economy. Every corporation in America is in a hiring crisis right now and though some of these skilled unvaccinated workers will be hired by other companies, in many cases they simply won't be able to replace the losses they have. 

And the supply crisis we are having? This can only make it worse. Production will be slowed and I am especially worried about the transportation industry. The truckers and dock workers are not going to get vaccinated and will go to work with companies that won't violate their rights. 

I continue to think that the actual mandate will never happen. Indeed, it actually hasn't been released because if it ever is it will be the target of lawsuits and will be overturned, like many OSHA mandates. And indeed, many states are making it illegal to comply with. 

The worst thing is that the mandate is totally pointless. It won't stop the pandemic because the vaccines are not effective enough against the virus to actually stop the spread. You can still get and spread the Coronavirus even if you are vaccinated, even if you get the booster and even if you get a 2nd booster. It's not as effective against the Delta variant and now they are saying that a new variant can completely evade the vaccine, rendering the whole exercise pointless. 

It's been clear for months now that we will not vaccinate our way out of this mess. We are forcing people to lose their jobs and even die (since the vaccine kills people too) for basically no reason. Sure, people should get the vaccine if they want but we shouldn't force people to get the vaccine under any circumstances, let alone for almost zero gain. 

But Biden insists on it. It makes zero sense to me. My only conclusion is that he is either too senile to realize what he is doing or he knows the consequences and is actually in favor of him. If it's the 2nd option then he is a traitor who is actively making war against his own people and he should be impeached and imprisoned. 

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