Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Mark McCloskey, a St. Louis man who used a rifle to defend himself against Black Lives Matter, is running for senate.


Mark McCloskey and his wife appear on TV. Fox News. 

Mark McCloskey, a St. Louis man who used a rifle to defend himself against a Black Lives Matter mob is running for Senate in Missouri. Fox News. McCloskey told Tucker Carlson that he intends to protect the citizens of Missouri the same way he protected his wife and home. He also said that claims that he was a Democrat were false, though he was not political in the past. McCloskey also criticized the Biden administration for attacks on civil liberties and "socialist" policies like major unemployment benefits causing a worker shortage. McCloskey joins former governor Eric Greitens and Attorney General Eric Schmitt in running for Roy Blunt's senate seat in 2022, as Blunt is retiring at the end of his term. 

My Comment:

As a reminder, the McCloskeys were at home when the Black Lives Matter riots happened last summer. A large group of rioters broke into a private road, knocking down a gate and then made threats to the McCloskeys They both grabbed firearms and the crowd quickly backed down when they saw the two with firearms. Both were later charged in a politically motivated case, but the governor has already said they will be pardoned if convicted. 

I generally support the McCloskeys actions that day. The Black Lives Matter movement has already shown that they are extremely violent and that they specifically hate upper class white people. The McCloskeys had every reason to believe that their property was about to be destroyed and that they were about to be killed. I personally would not convict them of the charges against them and even if they had opened fire on the crowd I believe they would be legally justified. 

Does that mean that Mark McCloskey belongs in the Senate? I am not sure. Though McCloskey claims he was never a Democrat his actual political background is pretty scarce. He's obviously pro-2nd Amendment and is against the presidency of Joe Biden, which are both positives for me, but other than that his political ideology is a mystery to me. 

There is also the matter of his criminal charges. Though I certainly believe that the charges against him were vindictive, reached the level of misconduct and completely politically motivated, the fact remains that a lot of people are not going to want to vote for someone who has a felony charge over his head. Plus the trial is scheduled for November, but there is no guarantee that the matter will be settled by 2022. 

Without more knowledge of the other candidates it's hard to compare how McCloskey stacks up. I do know that former Governor Eric Greitans had to resign because of a sex scandal and criminal charges due to that scandal. The charges didn't stick but it seems like the only candidate in this race so far to not have any major issues is Attorney General Eric Schmitt. Either way, it's way too early to judge these candidates. 

Personally I do kind of want McCloskey to win as it would be a major victory against out of control Democratic officals that seem to think those that fight against rioters are more of a threat than the rioters themselves. McCloskey deserves a reward for defending his home and a Senate seat might be a good message to these people. Voters should have the chance to reject attacks on the 2nd amendment and send a clear message to Black Lives Matter rioters. 

Still, this will be a major senate seat to watch and a lot can happen between now and November 2022. There is no guarantee that McCloskey will be the candidate and there are other viable candidates in the race as well.  And without a extensive examination of the candidates actual positions it is too early to decide who to support in this senate race. 

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