Saturday, May 22, 2021

Editor's Note: Fishing report.


As you may know I spent last week on vacation, which is now drawing to a close. I had a pretty good time spending time with my family but I spent most of my time fishing. It was a very good vacation but that meant I did not spend a lot of time posting or even following the news. Expect things to return to normal after tonight. 

As for fishing, I actually did fairly well. I caught an absolute ton of sheepheads (freshwater drum) including a new personal best, pictured above. That fish was an even 6 lbs which isn't anywhere near as big as they can get but by a large margin the biggest one I have ever caught. I also caught a 3 pound one tonight. Sheepheads are far from my favorite fish and aren't really good for much of anything but they are fun to catch when they are bigger. 

I also caught a new personal best white bass, which isn't saying much as I only have caught two of them for sure. In my previous post about fishing I said I wasn't sure if I had ever caught any but that is no longer true as I caught two this week. Both were pretty small but it was nice to catch a fish I hadn't caught before. Like the big sheephead, I caught the white bass on #5 rippin raps. It's about the only success I have had with artificial lures this year. 

I did have some funny catches as well... 

That minnow wasn't a snag by the way. The thing actually hit my ripping rap. I saw a school of them and thought I could jig in case a white bass or white perch was underneath them but instead the minnow actually hit the lure! And the bass? That's about the size of largemouth I usually catch... 

I do have to say that I am kind of disappointed that I did not catch any catfish. I tried some store bought cut shad and it didn't do a thing. I also tried a live small rock bass but it got no action either. I kept that rock bass and another one that swallowed the hook and the next time I go I am going to use them as cut bait. 

In short, it was a good week of fishing and I am glad that I have gotten back into fishing. With ammo still unavailable it was going to be a long time before I could do my other outdoor hobby and I am glad I have found something else to do outside. 

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