Friday, May 21, 2021

Conservatives are pushing back against the new "woke" military.


Senator Ted Cruz. Politico/Getty. 

Conservatives are pushing back against the new "woke" military. Politico. Many are concerned with a series of recruitment ads which focus on left wing hobby horses such as gay marriage instead of war fighting, with Senator Ted Cruz going so far as to say that the left are trying to make the military into "pansies". Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has focused on "diversity" and rooting out "extremism" but has paid little public attention to actually fighting wars. Austin has mandated troops get training on diversity and inclusion while the Biden administration has lifted regulations banning transgendered people from serving and focused on climate change as a major threat. They have also fired a Space Force commander, Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeire after he spoke out about critical race theory and marxism. 

My Comment:

In a time when America is under threat of losing our global military supremacy it is insane to me that the Democrats are trying to insert woke ideology into the United States military. The military has one goal and one goal alone and that is to win wars. But these new changes under the Biden administration are doing the exact opposite. 

Indeed, Ted Cruz had a good point when he compared the woke ad I posted above to a Russian ad. The Russian ad, and other ones I have seen from countries like China, feature strong young men training hard and preparing for war. The US Army ad? A woke white woman talking about herself and how special she is for two minutes. I've got nothing against this Corporal Malonelord, but I know who I would rather have on my side if I was in a firefight. Hell, the Russian and Chinese adds are so patriotic and masculine I wanted to sign up.

The major difference here is that Russia and China seem pretty obviously primarily concerned about winning hypothetical wars. In America? It's about pushing a rotten political ideology with warfighting not even a secondary concern. Given that there is a decent chance America and China will have a war in the next 25 years (and a small chance of a war with Russia) it does not bode well for America's chances in any such war. 

But the rot goes a lot deeper than a few woke political ads. The Biden Administration seems primarily focused on both purging the military of anyone even remotely right wing while at the same time using the military to advance critical race theory and other nonsense like climate change. And it's important to note that the purge of military officials began under Barack Obama, with his administration firing dozens of generals and admirals for having the wrong political beliefs. 

Domestically I have mixed feelings about this. I do want a strong military but I also want one that is loyal to America and it's ideals. It's very clear that under Joe Biden the military will be considerably weaker and actively hostile to America's ideals. In the event of any kind of civil conflict I'd prefer a strong military that could put down any hypothetical treason committed by Biden administration. But failing that a weak military more concerned about pregnant pilots and transgender commandos is a less dangerous enemy in event of a civil war. Plus they are likely to purge anyone that is competent and loyal to the constitution giving any rebel movement a good recruitment base. 

Still, it's utterly disgusting that we even have to think about that. In a decent world the people getting purged would be the people spouting woke critical race theory garbage. It's just out and out racism and has very little to do with the actual people and conditions of this country. 

Whenever the Republicans take control of the Senate and House again they need to legislate all they can to prevent this cancer from spreading further. And if the GOP takes back the White House in 2024 they need to do whatever they can to purge this nonsense from the military. 

I can't think of a better way to destroy the military than what they are doing right now. They are recruiting people that have no business being in an uniform and destroying the morale of the actual warfighters. And they are promoting politics over competence which is always a disaster when a war breaks out and it may be breaking out soon. I just wish I could say that this nonsense was on the way out but I don't see it happening until at least 2022. 

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