Thursday, April 8, 2021

Is Vladimir Putin reacting to Biden's "Killer" comments by deploying troops?


Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin. Fox News.

Vladimir Putin may have reacted to Joe Biden recently calling him a killer by deploying troops. Fox News. Putin has been very active in saber rattling lately, with a major deployment of 28,000 troops to the border with Ukraine. He has also pulled stunts in the Artic, including using bombers to challenge US air defenses and filming their nuclear subs breaking through the ice. Russia is also developing new weapons, including hypersonic weapons which may lead to a new arms race. 

My Comment:

I am not sure if I agree with the analysis here. Though I think Biden's comments were and are colossally stupid I don't think that is why Russia has been more assertive. In short, Putin knows two things about Joe Biden and the Democrats. They are extremely weak right now and they utterly despise Russia.

Most of the weakness is from Biden himself. It's clear to everyone, especially the Russians, that Biden just isn't there any more. The man is senile and not capable of running the country. That's why I don't think that Putin actually took Biden's words personally, how could he? I doubt Biden even understood where he was, let alone what he was saying. 

This gives Putin a pretty huge advantage against America. I think he thinks he can push us into making bad moves, like wasting money on Ukraine, Syria and various other areas of foreign policy. I think he also understands that our spending is completely unsustainable, especially after our huge Coronavirus relief bills and the proposed infrastructure bill. Given the higher taxes, inflation and economic stagnation it's very possible that the Russians will use the same strategy Ronald Regan used against the Soviet Union. 

It's clear that an arms race is starting and not just with Russia. They have all kinds of new tech and weapons with hypersonic missiles being the biggest threat as they bypass our anti-nuclear defenses. But China too is investing in their military as well and we will have to spend a ton of money, that we don't have thanks to the Democrats, to keep up. 

And I also think that regardless of Joe Biden, Putin knows that the Democrats absolutely despise him and Russia. For the rank and file they still insanely blame Russia for the 2016 election loss despite almost no evidence of Russia doing so. For the elite though, they hate Russia simply because they are opposed to the west and would love to see the country fall into the kind of regime change wars we have seen in the Middle East and Ukraine. 

Still, I doubt that Biden's comments helped. I do know for a fact that Putin (and all of Russia) took Hillary Clinton's comments comparing Putin to Adolf Hitler. Given how many millions of Russians Hitler killed calling any Russian Hitler is essentially suicide. Only Clinton's position and power kept her alive after that. 

Biden's comments were not quite on that level but I doubt that Putin approved. I still think that he would have pressed America after the 2020 election. Our country is extremely weak right now and I think Putin wants to take advantage. Of course Biden's comments didn't help. My guess is that Putin would have taken advantage regardless but if Biden was actually interested in peace or a cooling of tensions it might have been possible. Not so much anymore. 

The sad thing is that we have zero reason to be opposed to Russia. Putin certainly has some problems, but he would be a major ally against China. The Soviet government is long dead and I don't see too much of a moral advantage over Russia now. Much of the criticism directed against Putin and Russia is just as true of the United States but pales in comparison to what China has done... It is a total shame that President Trump was not able to reset relations with Russia and that Biden has completely thrown away what little progress we have made. 

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