Monday, December 7, 2020

Former head of Israel's space program claims that a "galactic federation" is in contact with the world's governments.


Aliens. New York Post. 

Haim Eshed, the former head of Israel's space program claims that an alien "Galactic Federation" is in contact with the world's government. New York Post. The aliens supposedly have an agreement to conduct experiments on Earth and conduct diplomacy on a secret American base on Mars. Eshed claims that President Trump was going to reveal the existence of this Galactic Federation but the aliens were concerned that it would cause a panic. 

My Comment:

I saw this story today and I had to make a post. The story is trending on Twitter right now and it's easy to see why, it's a totally insane story that would be easily dismissed as crackpottery if it was coming from someone that wasn't the head of a space program. Plus, it's a rare fun post to write about. 

So, should you take this story seriously? Probably not. Eshed hasn't been in charge of Israel's space program since 2010 and he's very old. It's possible he has gone senile. And I am pretty sure that if aliens existed and were in direct contact with the United States someone would have leaked proof by now. I don't think the government could keep a secret this big. 

I do have to say that Eshed's claims do match other alien conspiracy theories that I have heard. I haven't heard about us having a base on a Mars but I have heard people claiming that there is a group of aliens in contact with the worlds various governments. It's a common theory but I don't think it has much basis in reality. 

With that being said, it does seem that people are taking the idea of aliens more seriously lately. There have been more then a couple of releases from the United States military showing UFO's. The witnesses were allowed to talk about it and the media took it pretty seriously. I tend to think these sightings are of top secret military craft or some other phenomenon, but  in the past the idea that these could be extraterrestrial would have been laughed at. Not so much anymore. Indeed, thought I think there is almost no chance of this story being true it would not be the most shocking thing in the world if it was true. 

Assuming for the sake of argument that Eshed's claims are correct, would the revelation of alien life cause a mass panic? I personally think that people would be really excited about it... for about a week. Then they would go right back to fighting with each other about nonsense. Indeed, those military videos I mentioned above largely got a shrug from the general public. 

I also have to say that I don't think people would even trust the government at this point. If President Trump walked out with the Galactic Federation ambassador and said "aliens are real, this is my good friend Ambassador Glabrok, we are going to make the galaxy great again" half the country would say it was fake just because President Trump announced it. Same if Biden somehow becomes President and does the same thing. People will probably just assume that the whole thing is faked by holograms. I do have to admit that it would be hilarious that in that scenario that people who didn't believe in the existence of aliens would be the deranged conspiracy theorists... 

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