Sunday, December 20, 2020

Congress reaches agreement for Coronavirus stimulus bill, will include $600 payments.

Senate Leader Mitch McConnel. ABC/AFP.

After months of gridlock Congress has reached an agreement on a new Coronavirus stimulus bill. ABC News. The $900 billion relief bill will provide relief for millions of Americans who have suffered major economic damage due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The package, which will be voted on Monday, will be bundled with a massive $1.2 trillion spending bill needed to keep the government open. The bill will provide $600 for individuals making less then $75,000 and $1200 for married couples, with an additional $600 for each child. The bill will also provide a $300 benefit for the unemployed. The paycheck protection plan, which expired last summer would be revived and would provide additional funds for businesses. Republicans did prevent billions of dollars from being used to fund states and cities while Democrats got rid of liability protection for businesses.   

My Comment:

A fairly disappointing result as this is a huge amount of money. I don't know how our government is going to pay for this massive spending. I know interest rates are low right now but this seems like a massive waste of money.  

I also don't think it's going to help many people. For someone like me who worked throughout the crisis another $600 isn't going to do much. There is still not much to do with that money and it's not like $600 is a life changing amount of money. 

But for the people that need it? It's kind of a joke. $600 doesn't even cover rent in most places so though it isn't nothing it might as well be. The $1200 checks from the last time around would have helped more but $600 isn't much use. 

The unemployment bonus might have more of an effect. If people are out of work they will be able to get bye easier. That's probably a good thing but I do have to complain that people that are out of work are making more money then people that still have jobs. It's annoying to me. 

The real meat in this is all the relief that businesses are going to get and this is where the real pork is. Though some of the businesses will get help they need a lot of the money is going to go to people that donated to political campaigns on both sides of the political spectrum. 

What is most disappointing about this bill is how long it took to get. It is clear that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats did not want a new stimulus to happen before the election because it would help President Trump win his reelection campaign and make their voter fraud more difficult. Now that is a moot point they can let the peasants have their checks. It's disgusting. 

That being said, I will be cashing the check when it comes (or more accurately when it is deposited in my account). My taxes paid for this so I might as well get some of the money back. The whole thing just reeks of cynicism though and I don't really have a solution. 


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