Wednesday, December 9, 2020

18 states file lawsuit against 4 other states to overturn the election.


President Donald Trump.

18 states have filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn the election results in 4 states that changed their election laws in the leadup to the 2020 election. Fox News. The lawsuit says that the four states, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania the governors and courts changed the election laws in violation of the constitution, which requires state legislators to be the one to change election laws. The Supreme Court will take up the case because it has original jurisdiction on the issue, bypassing lower courts which have been hostile against the Trump administration claims. Texas, who brought the lawsuit, said that the states who changed the laws damaged the voter rights of people in the states bringing the lawsuits. The changes to the laws made voter fraud harder to detect and stop and gave partisan advantage to Joe Biden. 

The following states have joined the lawsuit with Texas as of this writing, along with the Trump administration: Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia. Arizona also joined the lawsuit after the Fox News report was released. 

My Comment:

This new lawsuit is a different strategy for Republicans. Instead of trying to prove voter fraud, which has a strong but circumstantial case, they are arguing that these states violated the constitution. I think this is a good strategy as it doesn't require a "smoking gun", just a legal argument. 

Is the legal argument sound? I have no idea. If it is true that only legislatures can change election laws then yeah, it's kind of an open and shut case. The election laws were changed by the governors and courts in these cases and weren't approved by the state legislatures. 

I do see a couple of potential problems. The first is that the Supreme Court might be sympathetic to the argument that it was an emergency situation due to the Coronavirus, which would justify changes to the election laws. I don't buy that argument because I don't think the Coronavirus pandemic was so severe that it justified changing the laws. 

The second problem is that the Supreme Court might not want to overturn the results of the election. I think that Roberts will probably argue that to the other justices as he is either extremely fearful of pissing off Democrats or he is compromised. On the other hand, the other five justices probably won't be convinced by this and I think Justice Thomas will likely want to get back at Joe Biden, who falsely accused him of sexual assault when he was being confirmed. 

I personally think that SCOTUS should rule in favor of Texas and the other plaintiffs. It's clear to me that Joe Biden and the Democrats stole the election and that the changes to the laws were both illegal and obviously tailored to fix the election for Joe Biden. I believe there is widespread voter fraud and the only acceptable way to fix this is to overturn the election results. 

Of course if this works it's going to be a mess. The media has spent the last month gaslighting the people by telling them there is no chance of a 2nd President Trump term and if this happens then he will get them. A lot of people on the left are not going to accept that, regardless of the legal reasoning. Indeed, even if there was a tape showing Joe Biden conspiring with high ranking Democrats to illegally rig the election and a flow chart showing how they did it, they would not accept it. 

But if it fails? Well, I sure as hell am not going to accept a Joe Biden presidency. There is no way a senile, corrupt and perverted disgusting old man like Biden got 80 million votes, more then Barack Obama did during his landslide wins. If the court effort fails that doesn't change the obvious conclusion that the 2020 election was not kosher. 

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