Monday, June 29, 2020

Couple defends their home after Black Lives Matter protesters break into their property.

The homeowners with their weapons. USA Today/AP

A couple used firearms to defend their home after Black Lives Matter protesters broke into their property. USA Today. The protesters were trying to reach the home of St. Louis mayor Lyda Krewson, who is accused of releasing the names of people wrote letters to her to "defund" the police. Krewson has since aplologized and deleted the videos but the protesters want her to resign. While trying to reach her house they broke into a private residence and confronted the home owners there. The home owners, a couple in their 60's, called the police and then retrieved their firearms as some of the protesters were also armed. 

My Comment:
Other than this fairly objective USA Today report the media is crucifying these two people. They are making a lot of hay out of the fact that they are white, upper class (the house is a mansion) and gun owners. Indeed, they are calling them Kyle and Karen (both common slurs for white people) and the people involved have been doxed. 

Speaking of doxing, I'm not sure that Mayor Krewson was thinking. Though these names and addresses are public records, releasing them was a bad move as it could result in harassment. It was a dumb move and Krewson did the right thing and deleted it. She never should have done it in the first place, even if I have almost zero sympathy for people trying to defund the police. 

But these two people? They had nothing to do with that. Indeed, they were the victims of a potential home invasion by armed people. Under Missouri law, which has very good gun rights, they had the right to open fire once these people entered their property. The fact that they didn't shows they were showing massive amounts of restraint. Opening fire probably wouldn't be the right move regardless as the protesters had guns too and the media would treat them even worse than they are now, but they were within their rights to do so. And they were obviously justified to point their weapons as the protesters as well.
And this was not a peaceful protest. Once they broke into private property they stopped being protesters and started being rioters. There is no excuse for what they did and to do so while armed was practically begging for one or more of them to get shot. 

I do have some criticism for the homeowners though. The woman seemed to lack trigger discipline which could have resulted in a negligent discharge. And both of them seemed to not be aware that they sometimes barrel swept each other. Given the extreme circumstances, I probably can forgive them for that, but they probably should spend a bit more time reviewing the basic gun safety rules. 

#1 Treat all guns as if they are always loaded. ...
#2 Never let the muzzle cover anything that you are not willing to destroy. ...
#3 Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you have made the decision to shoot. ...
#4 Be sure of your target and what lies beyond it.

I think it's beyond time to start cracking down on these people. The people that trespassed on the homeowners property should be arrested for trespassing as soon as possible. They created a situation that could have very easily ended in bloodshed.

But I almost wonder if that is what they are going for here. I doubt that powers that be would be upset if a bunch of Black Lives Matter/Antifa types got ventilated. If that happens they would spin it as evil racists using dangerous assault weapons to murder innocent black people regardless of the actual circumstances. I wonder if BLM/Antifa realize that they are just pawns...

Finally, I do have to say that this is a good example of why gun ownership is so important. Who knows what these people would have done if this couple hadn't been armed. The police didn't arrive in time and the best case scenario was that more of their property would be destroyed. They already destroyed the gate, what would stop them from trying to burn down the property or beat up or even kill the homeowners? Those guns likely saved this couple from a very dangerous and scary situation.

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