Saturday, July 27, 2019

President Trump is considering declaring Antifa a terrorist organization.

Members of Antifa. The Independent. 

President Trump is considering declaring Antifa a terrorist organization. The Independent. The announcement comes after Senators Ted Cruz and Bill Cassidy have passed a condemnation of the group and urged the group be called a terrorist group. President condemned the group on Twitter saying that declaring them a terror group would help the government fight them. Antifa is famous for attacking people and getting into street fights with right wing groups. Most recently they attacked and severely injured journalist Andy Ngo.

My Comment:
It is unclear if this is going to turn into an official designation or not. It seems likely though, Antifa's behavior has been reprehensible and the local officials in the West Coast cities where Antifa is most strong are either unwilling or unable to deal with them effectively. Having the Federal Government step in could greatly reduce the attacks the conduct.

Antifa has caused a massive amount of harm, both against people and property. It is only through pure luck alone that nobody has been killed by them. They have come very close, using handheld weapons to strike people in the heads. Reporter Andy Ngo could have easily died in the most recent attack.

Antifa also has the support of some very powerful people. The tech companies are totally in the bag for Antifa even when they attack people, to the point where my advertising was almost pulled on this blog because I criticized them for attacking someone and posting the video showing the attack. I ended up having to delete the post in order to keep my blog.

They also have the support of both the Democratic Party and the major mass media companies. Antifa media coverage is totally biased to the point where companies like CNN call them heroes while at the same time calling the Proud Boys racist and fascist, which they are not. There are plenty of criticisms for the Proud Boys, including the fact that they go looking for trouble, but they are not what the media calls them.

I do think it is critical that Antifa is dealt with before the 2020 elections. Though Trump is unlikely to campaign in the blue states where Antifa is most strong, they could still interfere with elections by preventing GOP rallies and maybe even intimidating people at the polling places.

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