Monday, July 8, 2019

Gun confiscation candidate Eric Swalwell has dropped out of the 2020 presidential race.

Eric Swalwell's congressional photo.

Gun confiscation candidate Eric Swalwell has dropped out of the 2020 race for the Democratic nomination. The Hill. Swalwell is the first well known candidate to drop out of the race in a very crowded field. He announced the withdrawal at the same time he announced he would be running for his congressional seat. Even after an appearance at the first Democratic debate Swalwell was polling around 0%. Swalwell made gun confiscation his campaign's centerpiece, saying he would force a gun buyback on AR's, AK's and other so called "assault weapons", but made little waves in a field that already disrespects gun rights. Swalwell hasn't made an endorsement but did attack front-runner Joe Biden during the debate. 

My Comment:
Glad he's gone. I consider Swalwell to be one of the most dangerous men in America and if he were to be elected president there would be considerable violence if not out and out civil war. His gun confiscation plans were insane and would turn me into an instant felon, so I hope you weren't expecting me to be neutral to him. Had he been elected president I'd either be dead, in prison or on the run with other people dedicated to removing him from office. 

Thankfully, Swalwell did not have any real backers. Some people like gun control but very few people have it as they main issue, unlike gun rights. It's not an issue that you can run on and win, at least currently. And it's not like Swalwell was the only one pushing for fewer gun rights in the Democrat's field. 

Swalwell also didn't have much else to offer. Generally speaking, he wasted his debate speech time by attacking Joe Biden and pushing gun control. He wasn't able to talk about much else and he didn't really stand out from the crowd. He was mostly an afterthought and it's not surprising that he dropped out. 

I never thought Swalwell was in the race to win it though. He was a push candidate, someone in the race to bring attention to an issue and then force the other candidates to respond. In that way I think he was fairly effective. He pushed the other candidates, most notably Kamlah Harris and Corey Booker, into their own confiscation plan and even forced the most pro-gun candidate on the stage with him, Bernie Sanders, to abandon any support for gun rights. Not that Sanders was anywhere near pro-gun, but he wasn't as anti-gun as everyone else but Swalwell forced him to the left on the issue. 

As for the 2020 field itself, it is still so large that getting rid of Swalwell hasn't done much to offer clarity as to who is going to win. Biden is still the front runner, but just barely and the debate shook up things quite a bit. Harris and Warren seem to be rising and Bernie Sanders is fading fast, with Joe Biden taking a huge amount of criticism for his poor debate performance. It's still a long ways away before we have any idea who the 2020 candidate is going to be. 

Sadly though, Eric Swalwell is going to continue to be in congress as he is likely to win his race in 2020. He does face a progressive primary challenger Aisha Wahab, but he will probably win there, unless his voters are so racist that they simply won't vote for a straight white male anymore. And even if he does lose it's not like Wahab is going to be any better. She's an Afghan-American and in the same mold as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, so it's not like she's going to be a stalwart for gun rights or anything. 

No matter what happens it's still a disgrace that Swalwell could run for dogcatcher, let alone congress. Swalwell famously said that the government could nuke gun owners if they didn't go along with his insane gun confiscation scheme. And asking for gun confiscation alone should disqualify him from ever running for anything again. Unfortunately the voters in ultra-liberal California disargree with me.. 

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