Sunday, July 7, 2019

Billionaire with deep links to the elite Jeffrey Epstein arrested for human trafficking of children.

Jeffrey Epstein's mugshot. Reuters/police handout.

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who has deep links to American and foreign politicians and businessmen, has been arrested again for human trafficking charges involving children. Reuters. Epstein had been charged similarly in 2007 but struck a plea deal that allowed him to avoid severe punishment. He had been charged with sexually abusing dozens of girls as young as 14 and asking his employees to find him more young girls. The new charges are similar and span between 2002 and 2005 and are for trafficking dozens of women in New York and Florida. 

The Daily Beast has a more in-depth report here.

My Comment:
This arrest is a long time coming. Epstein is a pretty terrible person and he got off entirely too easily for his original charges. The man was essentially a high class pimp that specialized and utilized children as prostitutes. That's practically super-villain levels of evil.

Epstein was given that sweetheart deal almost a decade ago. He was sentenced to 13 months but was allowed to spend 6 days a week outside of prison working. Prosecutors say that he was not tried for the other charges because they would be difficult to prove in court. There may be some proof to that but I always believed the main charges were dropped because Epstein had blackmail on some very powerful people. He also turned government witness for financial crimes, which also seems like a sweetheart deal given he molested and pimped dozens of underage girls. 

It's generally believed that Epstein was running a blackmail scam against the nation's elite. The scam essentially goes like this, you provide a pretty young girl and video tape the mark having sex with her. Afterwards you show the tape and blackmail the guy after revealing she was underage. Once that happens you own them forever. Given the names that Epstein has hung out with, including a former president, royalty and much of the nation's most powerful people, it's no surprise he got off so easily. 

Epstein's operation was huge and international in nature. He has his own private island in the US Virgin Islands and he often flew famous and powerful people to that place. It's also steeped in occult symbolism, though the famed "temple" on the island has been demolished. Without going to deeply into the tinfoil hat conspiracy zone, it seems as though Epstein's behavior may have gone beyond trafficking, blackmail and child abuse.

There are potentially a lot of people this scandal could bring down. Many rich, powerful and famous people took flights on Epstein's private plane, the "Lolita Express". Most famously, Bill and Hillary Clinton took several flights and in some of those cases Bill Clinton ordered the Secret Service to stay behind. Britain's Prince Andrew was also a frequent pal of Epstein as well. Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker were also known to have traveled with him. 

The blue checkmarks on Twitter are playing up Trump's tenuous links to Epstein. Trump did know the guy but from what I understand his contacts with him were limited. He did borrow Epstein's private jet once but never went to his private island and even banned him from Mar-A-Lago after he hit on a members daughter (Epstein wasn't a member himself but someone's guest). Besides, why would Trump want to prosecute Epstein if he was going to be implicated? Makes no sense. 

Other than that though, it seems likely that some very powerful and famous people are going to be exposed as perverts here. If Epstein sings to cut a deal he could implicate quite a few people, many of which might be too powerful to prosecute. As much as I would love to see Bill and Hillary Clinton behind bars it would be very hard to convict them unless video evidence was shown and even then it would be tough. 

This also makes me wonder if the media hysteria over "deepfakes" is linked to this and other major sex scandals that have erupted lately, with Nxivm being the other major example. Politically motivated people could claim that any images and videos released are faked, even though fakes have existed for years and really aren't that convincing. 

I also think that out of all the conspiracy theories out there elite pedophile rings is the most believable. Epstein's pretty much proven to be running one as he was convicted for it, even with the sweetheart deal, but he's far from the only one. Jimmy Savile in England, the horrific Marc Dutroux case in Belgium and the Nxivm case here in America are all good examples of fairly famous and powerful people getting involved in some seriously shady things. That doesn't mean that pizzagate, for example, is legit but it does mean that that kind of conspiracy is far from out of the question. 

The court documents are supposed to be unsealed tomorrow and we might find out some interesting things. However, it's probably important to note that we shouldn't oversell things. Those of us on the right are hungry for justice against the elites who have escaped punishment again and again. That's why every time something like this happens or appears to be happening we tend to think that it's finally "happening". There likely be fallout from this case and some big names might go down but it's not going to lead to anything so earth shaking that it will lead to the kind of justice we want... 

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