Friday, May 10, 2019

Pentagon approves $1.5 billion transfer from Afghanistan to construction of the border wall with Mexico.

A section of the border wall being replaced in 2018 in California. US Customs and Border Enforcement.

The Pentagon has approved a $1.5 billion transfer of funds from Afghanistan to the construction of the border wall with Mexico. Fox News. The money comes in part from funds earmarked for Afghanistan but also came from other sources. The money comes after another $1 billion was earmarked last March, bringing the total to $2.5 billion for wall construction. An addition $3.6 billion is expected to be transferred from the military construction fund, but it is unclear how long it will take. 

My Comment:
Just a quick update about the border wall, it looks like more funds are being allocated. Though construction has taken more time than I would have hoped, it is finally starting to be built. $2.5 billion is a lot of money and can complete quite a bit of wall, and more money is coming. 

Given the crisis at the border and the massive levels of violence in Mexico right now, I fully support the wall. With funds finally becoming available we might actually be able to stem the tide. Indeed, one of the reasons why illegal immigration is increasing is because so many people are trying to get there before the border is closed. 

But was it a good idea to take the funds from Afghanistan? It's unclear exactly where these funds are coming from, other than the Afghan Security Fund. Clearly the Afghan government could use the money as they are losing the war pretty badly. Cutting the funds off won't help them win the war. 

In my mind though, it's the right move. We are throwing good money after bad in Afghanistan and it's pretty clear that there isn't a military victory to be had in the country. Indeed, it looks like a favorable political solution is unlikely as well. We may as well put those funds to more immediate concerns. 

As sad as it would be for the Afghan government to fall to the Taliban, our main interest in Afghanistan should not be nation building. Sure, we should fight against ISIS and/or al-Qaeda where ever they show up, but that doesn't mean that we should fight Afghanistan's war for them. It's about time that we bring some of that money back home and spend it on better things. 

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