Wednesday, January 30, 2019

John Podesta says Hillary Clinton will NOT be running for president in 2020.

Hillary Clinton. Getty/Politico. 

Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign manager, John Podesta, says that Hillary Clinton will not be running in 2020. Politico. Podesta essentially called a CNN report that Clinton was considering a run fake news as he said it was "media catnip". He also said that he takes her at her word and that "She's not running for president". 

My Comment:
Another quick update for a previous story. I had covered the CNN report earlier this week. Back then I cautioned that the report had a very good chance of being false as it came from CNN, which has a horrible relationship with media accuracy. Also, the report relied on anonymous sources which, as always, isn't reliable. If someone isn't willing to put it on the record that what they say is true then you shouldn't believe them unless there is supporting evidence that backs it up. And once again, I didn't listen to my own advice and ended up wasting my time speculating about something that is apparently not going to happen. 

With John Podesta commenting directly, this story has a much better chance of being true. Podesta was Clinton's campaign manager (and a scumbag but that's neither here nor there) and has a close relationship with Clinton. He's in the position to know things about her thinking and may have even been directed by Clinton to make the statement. 

Of course without a direct statement from Clinton herself, there is a chance that even this story is fake news. Ultimately nobody knows for sure if Clinton is running besides Hillary Clinton herself. She could always change her mind or this could be flak and countermeasures. With Podesta commenting on the record, the chances are much smaller though of this report being false. 

I've gone over again and again why Clinton would have been a terrible choice. She already lost to Trump once and probably would do so again. She has no charisma at all and is generally greatly disliked by normal people. And she has been plagued by scandals for years. 

It's not like the rest of the Democratic field is that much better. Joe Biden is a creep and has been filmed being extremely touchy-feeling with women and children. He's a prime candidate to get #metoo'ed. Bernie Sanders had his wife's college embezzlement scandal, and Elizabeth Warren lied about her Native American heritage. And Kamalah Harris? Literally slept her way to the top with her affair with former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown. With those being the options, a Hillary Clinton run makes more sense. 

I am glad that Hillary Clinton will apparently never be president. Not only do I hate her policies, I hate her as a person. One of the strongest criticisms I have of President Trump is that he has so far failed to keep his campaign promise to "lock her up". Clinton is a bad person who deserves to spend the rest of her life in a prison cell, not the oval office. 

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