Sunday, July 20, 2014

Worst fighting in Libya since the revolution. -CNN

The fighting rages near the Tripoli airport. -CNN

The worst fighting since the 2011 revolution has broken out over the Tripoli airport. -CNN Various militias are fighting for control. 90% of the aircraft stored there have been damaged. The Foreign Minister of Libya, Mohamed Abdulazz, says the country is heading to "failed state" status.

My Comment:
Libya is following the pattern of revolutionary/overthrown governments in the 21st century. Almost every state with a successful revolution has either devolved into civil war or ended up with a full circle revolution. That is to say who they overthrew ended up being just as bad or almost as bad as the dictator they got rid of. Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt and Libya all ended up being plagued with violence and have horribly corrupt government. It's the same situation in Ukraine. The only exceptions that prove the rule are Syria, which never had it's government overthrown but for all intents and purposes ended up in the same situation, and Tunisia, which somehow remains peaceful. 

It goes to show that overthrowing your government is fairly easy (unless you are Syria). Setting up a new one, especially when the old one was a brutal dictatorship that suppressed democracy, is the hard part.

EDIT: Check this picture out:

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