Monday, November 7, 2022

Why I am voting for Republicans tomorrow:


As you are most certainly aware, tomorrow is Election Day in America. It is the first major election since the utter mess that was the 2020 election and one where it seems clear that the Republicans will win the house, at the very least. Most likely the Democrats will lose not only the House, but the Senate as well, along with several governors races. 

I live in Wisconsin that has two major competitive races. My congressional seat, with Congressman Mike Gallagher, is not really contested. He's running against a libertarian, with no Democratic opposition. I actually like Gallagher and have greatly soured on the Libertarian party, so that race is pretty irrelevant. 

In the Senate, Ron Johnson is running against Mandela Barnes, the state's Lieutenant Governor. I will be voting for Johnson, and I have supported him since his first run. Indeed, I was actually at his campaign event in Oshkosh way back during his first Senate race. Though I did vote for him back then, that was a paid gig, but it was still a really cool moment. I have been happy with Johnson as a Senator, even though sometimes I don't get a response when I e-mail him (Gallagher and, surprisingly, our other Senator, Democrat Tammy Baldwin, are a lot better at this). 

As for the Governor Race, I have not been a fan of Tony Evers at all. He's been a bad governor and I would vote for anyone with a R in front of their name. Tim Michaels is fine, but this is less about supporting him and more about voting against Evers. The best thing I can say about him is that Evers was mostly irrelevant during his term as Governor and has been handicapped by Republican resistance. 

But I think that for most people this race isn't about the candidates. Perhaps it is in Pennsylvania where John Fetterman had a stroke and Dr. Oz is, well, Dr. Oz. Or perhaps it is in the Arizona Governor's race where Kari Lake is a rising star in the Republican Party. But that is no the case here in Wisconsin. For the people here I think people will be voting for two reasons, the terrible economy and the excesses of the Democrats. 

I have heard a lot of smoke from the Democrats and the media about how the economy is actually fine and that we aren't in a recession. From the ground that seems like the biggest lie I have heard in a long time. People are going broke due to massive increases in inflation, and some of the factories in my area are scaling back production. Indeed, my businesses' main competitor has already cut down production to four days a week, meaning everyone that works there is only getting 32 hours of work. 

And the Democrats? They aren't even talking about the Economy. All we have heard from them since 2021 was January 6th and nothing else. They care more about trying to get Donald Trump, who isn't even in office anymore, than doing a damn thing about the economy. For me personally, the January 6th event was a nothing burger at worst and an appropriate reaction to the 2020 election. It certainly was no worse than the 2020 riots the Democrats committed for a lot less reasonable reasons.

The Democrats are just wrong on policy. From the Ukraine war, to crime, to the economy, their answers are all wrong. I can't think of a single thing that I agree with the party on, which is a new development. Whatever they do it is the wrong thing, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. 

Of course, gun control remains the major reason why I am totally opposed to the Democratic Party. This is pure self interest as I own several of the guns that Democrats want to ban and it makes sense to vote against them. They want to send armed men to my house to either take my property and send me to jail, or even kill me dead, just because I own some metal and plastic that they don't like. 

Finally, I have to say that I am getting sick and tired of the T part of LGBT. I don't have a problem with LGB people but the transgender community has pretty much gone insane. From drag time story hours to claiming that children should take hormones and mutilate their bodies, it's gone far beyond the limits of tolerance. Republicans are doing what they can to stop this and the Democrats just want more. 

So for all these reasons and more I will be voting for straight Republicans on my ballot tomorrow morning. I hope that millions of Americans will be doing the same thing and that the Democrats lose every competitive race they are in. I'm still worried about fraud, especially in Pennsylvania, but at this point it's too late to do anything about it, but vote and make the fraud harder to committ. 

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