Sunday, August 21, 2022

Why are Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis supporters fighting?


Donald Trump. White House Photo.

It's a slow news day so I thought I would report on the social media nonsense I have been seeing between supporters of President Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. I have seen quite a bit of tension between the two groups and it is not something I like seeing. 

For the record, I would support either man for President in 2024. I like both of them and I honestly don't think I will be put into a position where I support one over the other. If you put a gun to my head, I would choose Trump because he got screwed out of his 2nd term and he deserves to win. But if Trump is unwilling or unable to run in 2024, I would obviously support DeSantis. 

But a lot of people online, including a few people I follow, seem to want to make people make that choice now, before the 2022 midterms and way before the 2024 race. Right now we don't know if either man is running for sure so I am not sure why there is any conflict at all. Why get worked up about something that might not even happening?

So what is the conflict? Trump supporters have been saying that Ron DeSantis is part of some conspiracy against the President. Why? Because he allowed the Mar-A-Lago raid to happen and didn't speak out hard enough against it. That's just silly. Short of arresting the FBI on sight there isn't much DeSantis could have done to prevent the raid. And he did speak out against it. The criticism there is week. 

The other problem that Trump supporters seem to have with DeSantis is that he is weaker on the economy than Donald Trump is. I think that this is a fair point, there aren't too many people in politics that say America First when it comes to the economy. DeSantis may talk the talk here but he might not be walking the walk. 

The problem is assuming that just because DeSantis isn't as strong on the economy as Trump that we shouldn't support him. That seem crazy to me because the economy isn't everything. DeSantis has been at the front lines of the culture war to the point where many of our wins in that sector are because of him. I don't know how people can dismiss things like child grooming and coronavirus restrictions. DeSantis has been stalwart on those issues and for that reason alone he deserves support. 

The funny thing is that the conflict between Trump and DeSantis appears to be in the heads of these folks and the media. I have seen zero evidence that the two men are at each other's throats and the whole thing seems to be a media invention. Indeed, I think if Trump does run DeSantis is probably the front runner for being his VP candidate. It's all stupid... 

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