Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Just days after sending $800 billion in aid to Ukraine, Biden will announce another $3 billion in military aid to the country....


An airman helps load 155mm shells destined for Ukraine. AP. 

Just days after sending $800 million in aid to Ukraine, Joe Biden is set to announce another $3 billion in military aid for the country. AP. The aid will be announced tomorrow, which is Ukraine's independence day and the six month anniversary of the war. The amount of aid hasn't been finalized but will be the largest to date. The aid package is designed as a longer term package that will help Ukraine in the long term. The money will include funding for new drone systems for Ukraine. In total, the United States has sent $10.6 billion in military aid, not including this newest delivery. 

My Comment:

I talked about the last major aid package to Ukraine just four days ago. In that post I covered why I think sending this aid to Ukraine is throwing good money after bad. It has been clear for awhile now that Ukraine is not winning this war and all of this money will be wasted. 

That was true four days ago and it's even more true with this aid package. Why? Because the aid is designed to be a longer term package to help secure Ukraine's future. I got news for them though, Ukraine doesn't have a future. Their military is being destroyed and what they need isn't new weapons, it's new bodies to throw into the meat grinder. Barring a huge influx of foreign troops or an unprecedented Russian collapse, there is no way for Ukraine to win the war. 

As I mentioned in my previous post, the west still doesn't seem to understand what Russia is trying to do in Ukraine. They have switched from maneuver warfare (which is the only kind of warfare the west has used for years now) to a World War I artillery duel. The Russians know they have a massive advantage in troops, weapons and supplies and know they can destroy the Ukrainian military. This means there won't be huge changes in the front line and that's fine because that's not what the Russians want. 

All of this should be obvious to anyone with even a passing interest in the military. So why is Biden sending this money when he should know that it is pointless? None of the possible scenarios bode well for the United States. 

The first possibility is that the Pentagon is high on their own supply. They believe Western media reports and Ukrainian propaganda and think that the Ukrainians are somehow winning the war. This would seem impossible as it's hard to imagine our military being that incompetent, but again, this isn't my grandfather's military. Instead of focusing on warfighting, today's military is more concerned about body armor for pregnant women and diversity training to make troops accept transgender troops in the locker rooms.

Another possibility is that the entire thing is just a blank check to the defense industry. They are going to gain way more from these weapon sales than Ukraine ever would. Billions of dollars are going to them and it's only going to get worse. They are going to have to manufacture huge amounts of weapons to replace what has been so foolishly given away. This will make a small group of people very rich, but do nothing to help anyone else. 

But for me personally? I think it's probably blackmail from the Zelenskyy regime. Everyone knows that Biden was knee deep in corruption in Ukraine, indeed, President Trump was impeached when he wanted to investigate it. Zelenskyy knows that he has Biden by the short hairs because at anytime he could release proof of Biden's corruption. I don't know if Biden would even be hurt by that given how useless our media is, but he has to keep up appearances. 

Regardless of the reason, I have to say that this issue infuriates me. We have sent billions of dollars, dollars we can not really afford, to Ukraine and gotten absolutely nothing from our investment other than a massive number of dead Ukrainians and Russians. All we are doing is wasting that money and causing our inflation to get worse as you know damn well that these shipments are being paid for with borrowed money. It's just an utter waste and that money could be spent on so many other things. 

What really gets me is that nobody else seems to notice or care about all this money we are wasting. The left does not care as the left-wing anti-war movement is deader than a doornail. You would think they would be as mad as everyone else that the money that is being spent on Ukraine could have been spent on their pet projects but apparently not. And the right? There are still enough neocons in the GOP that speaking out about this is simply not done. It's such a shame... 

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