Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Liz Cheney loses her primary race against Harriet Hageman as voters punish her for her participation in the January 6th hearing.


Liz Cheney (left) and Harriet Hageman. Business Insider/Getty.

Liz Cheney has lost her Wyoming primary race against Harriet Hageman as voters punish her for her participation in the January 6th hearings. Business Insider. Though the final results have not been calculated yet, many major news organizations are calling the race for Hageman. Hageman was endorsed by Donald Trump after Cheney voted to impeach Trump for the January 6th incident. Cheney became persona non grata in the Republican Party after that, but she managed to raise a huge amount of money from out of state donors and Democrats. Democrats in Wyoming were encouraged to cross party lines and vote for Cheney but they had nowhere near the numbers to push Cheney over the line. 

My Comment:

Huh, it turns out that totally betraying your party and your constituents has consequences. Who would have ever thought that? Cheney's loss was pretty obvious and not a surprise at all. Wyoming was done with her the second she voted to impeach President Trump and participated in the January 6th show trial. 

I do think that it is important to note that even people that didn't like President Trump were sick of Cheney as well. There is something to be said for a politician that actually visits the state she is supposed to be representing. Cheney became utterly obsessed with Trump to the point where she didn't ever talk about something else. Instead of helping her people she only focused on hurting Trump. Regardless of what you feel about Trump, that's not what a member of the house is supposed to do.

I can't understate how damaging that was for Cheney. The people from Wyoming didn't want Cheney to focus on Trump. They wanted her to attempt to fix all the issues the country is having, like inflation, high gas prices and crime. And they didn't want someone who made nice with Democrats, they wanted someone that would spend more time fighting them than fighting her own party. 

As for Hageman, I know very little about her. The race wasn't about her, it was about Cheney and what she did. The Republicans could have ran just about anyone, outside of another anti-Trump "Republican" and they would have taken down Cheney. I am sure that Harriet Hageman has her own pros and cons, but the race wasn't about her. It was all about Cheney.

And I got the feeling that Cheney always wanted the race to be about her and Trump. She saw this as a referendum on Trump and she got her answer. But like I said before, even people that didn't like Trump were sick of Cheney. Keep in mind too, that Cheney won her seat easily back in the day, but now it wasn't even close. 

I do have to question her strategy here as well. She might have gotten more support if she had loudly rejected the Democrats that were helping her. When the most obvious flaw you have is that you are a Republican in name only, it's not a good idea to pony up to Democrats and take millions of dollars from them. If she hadn't done that she probably wouldn't have won, but she would have at least had some credibility left. 

I also don't think wheeling her father, Dick Cheney, was a great idea either. The Neocon wing of the Republican Party is dead and most of us now agree that Cheney wasn't a great Vice President. Indeed, most people now consider the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to have been a mistake and the party as a whole has swapped positions with the Democrats in terms of which party is anti-war. Reminding people that Cheney is not just anti-Trump, but a neocon as well, was not a good move. 

Of course, Cheney might be laughing her way to the bank here. There is a large demand for RINO's who can go onto cable news and agree with every liberal thing that the hosts say and badmouth Trump. Indeed, I have heard that she might end up being one of the hosts on The View, which would be lucrative for her. 

But her political career? It's dead as a doornail. I know that the media is pushing her as a 2024 Presidential Candidate but that's about as likely as me winning the GOP nod. The nomination is Donald Trump's if he wants it and if he doesn't than it's going to be Ron DeSantis. There is absolutely no desire for Cheney in the Republican party and she has no chance of even being a spoiler candidate in 2024. 

The Republican voters have punished the GOP members of the house that voted for impeachment. Of the 10 that voted to impeach only two are left with any chance of winning in 2022. It's not clear that either of them will win either since David Valdao and Dan Newhouse are in competitive districts that could fall to the Democrats. The rest have either decided to retire or, like Liz Cheney, have been kicked out of their seats during the primaries. If that's not proof that the Republican Party is now Donald Trump's I don't know what would be. 

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