Wednesday, May 20, 2020

A few thoughts on face masks.

Stock photo of a face mask. 

As you probably know one of the main ways Americans are dealing with the Coronavirus outbreak is the use of face masks. Of course that isn't without controversy. The way the CDC and WHO dealt with face masks was pretty shameful. Face masks were first denounced as being ineffective while at the same time bashing anyone who was using them as denying them to critical healthcare workers. 
Eventually the CDC at least changed their tune to the point where a lot of local governments and businesses now mandate the use of face masks. 

This has caused a major pushback. A major part of it was the hypocrisy of mandating face masks after bashing them for months. When the so called experts flip-flop so hard it's very hard to trust them. Is it any wonder why people don't listen to the experts now? 

But there are other reasons why people dislike face masks. For one thing they are very uncomfortable. I know from personal experience that they hurt your ears after awhile and make it more difficult to breath comfortably. Some people also experience anxiety and panic attacks from wearing them. I also think there is a large contingent of people that are sick and tired of the government mandating everything. Many of these people refuse to wear masks just on principle alone.  

Is it the right move? I don't think so. I think the main way the Coronavirus spreads is through coughing and breathing. Wearing a face mask if you are infected is a good way to ensure that you won't spread the disease to others. Since the virus doesn't show symptoms in a lot of people or only mild symptoms, wearing a mask is about the only way you can be sure that you won't be spreading the virus to others. It also provides some limited protection from the virus if someone else is walking around with the disease. 

Do I agree with local and state governments mandating wearing masks? No. Like I said, not everyone is comfortable wearing masks. And there are many situations where wearing a mask is just dumb. If you are alone outside there is no reason to wear one and even if you are with people outside the chances of you spreading it are very low compared to if you are inside. 

Do I agree with businesses requiring it for workers and customers? I think this is a lot more defensible. Especially if you are working in a field where you are at high risk. I know my company mandates it and for good reason, we have had a major outbreak at work and we need to take as many steps as possible to keep everyone safe. I think mandating it for workers makes more sense than doing it for customers though as their exposure will be limited by the fact that they won't spend all that much time in the store. 

Regardless, I do think it's stupid that the issue is getting politicized. People should judge for themselves whether the risk is worth it or not. But having Democrats demand usage pushed the scales of judgement off to the point where Democrats are wearing them in situations where they don't need them and Republicans aren't wearing them when they really should be. 

Personally, I will be wearing them at work for the foreseeable future and will likely do so when I go out to shop as well. I won't be wearing it to take the garbage out or other simple things, but if I visit my family, I will be sure to wear one no matter what. It's not a political question for me, it's just about keeping people safe. 

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