Monday, March 16, 2020

Editor's note: Coronavirus

An image of the Coronavirus. NIAID.

As you obviously know the Coronavirus epidemic is the biggest new story in the world right now. Practically everything in the world is going to be effected and that includes me. I rarely write about myself on this blog but I figured I could give a heads up about how I am doing. 

First though, I do have to say that I don't know how frequently I will post during the crisis. The only news right now is Coronavirus, and that is fairly oversaturated already, I don't think I can add much. I will probably keep up my normal pace of a post per day but that could either decrease or increase depending on circumstances. If I miss a day or two, don't worry about it, and if I get sick I will probably post about it on here. 

I'm generally ok. I've got enough food stocked up to be set for awhile. And unlike a lot of people I don't live paycheck to paycheck. I've got a decent savings account, but I also just bought a new car last year, so I have a bit of debt too. But unlike other people I was preparing for this ever since it was clear that it wasn't going to be contained to just China. As soon as Iran blew up, I started buying extra food each week. Plus I have more than enough guns and ammo if things REALLY go bad, but I am not expecting that. 

My biggest concern right now is my family. I'm the youngest person in my immediate family by far while by parents, stepparents and aunts and uncles are all in their late 60's and early 70's, which means they are very vulnerable to this virus. And since they are scattered across the Midwest there isn't a whole lot I can do to help them, which is a bad feeling. More than anything else, this is what is bothering right now, which I am sure is the same for the vast majority of people reading this.

I'm less worried about my job. I work in the food production industry and I think my job is probably safe even if everything else shuts down. People will always need to eat and my role in making that happen isn't something that can go away. They only way work will be closed down is if a breakout happens there, which is possible but even that might not change my job that much. And given how much help is being given I think I should be ok if I have to be in lockdown for some time for whatever reason.  I know I am pretty lucky here, so I am thankful for what I've got. 

I'm only slightly worried about my own health. I'm in my mid thirties and have no underlying health concerns (that I know of at least). If I get the virus I will probably be laid up for a week or two but I doubt I will have to go the hospital or even die, but you never know. I certainly don't want to get the virus though as I would rather not have to take that chance. 

I do think that I will probably get the virus at some point, unfortunately. With it unlikely that I will join everyone else in lockdown my chances are already above average. But the circumstances of my job means that I regularly get into contact with truck drivers who are moving across the country. I am taking as many precautions as I possibly can but all it takes is one sick person who is too stubborn or dumb to cover their mouth when they cough. Truck drivers have gotten me sick before this way, so I have resigned myself to getting the virus. 

A more remote concern is how all of this is going to play out. I think that a whole lot of people are likely to die, most of them old and sick already. That's tragic enough, but I think a lot of people will probably go broke. The government here will likely try and take care of people, but with the economy going into the toilet who knows how that will work out?  

I also don't know how long this is going to take. My old thoughts were that this would blow over by summer due to the virus not being able to spread well during warmer weather. But with the outbreaks in Brazil and Australia, I am not sure that is going to be the case. President Trump today mentioned it might be until July or August and even that might be optimistic. This could last a lot longer than anyone thought... 

I do have to say that this will probably be a generation defining event, much like World War II was for the Greatest Generation and World War I/The Spanish Flu was for the Lost Generation. This is a global challenge and the one thing anyone who makes it though this time will be able to tell the people that come after exactly what happened through it. If nothing else, we live in interesting times... 

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