Friday, February 7, 2020

Editor's Note: Democrat Debate information.

The Democratic Candidates at the last debate. NPR/AP.

As you may be aware there is going to be a Democratic Debate tonight in New Hampshire. It will start at 7:00 PM central and will be broadcast on ABC. Seven candidates will participate including Joe Biden, Pete Buttgieg, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Andrew Yang, Amy Klobucher and Tom Steyer. You can find more information here from NPR.

It should be an interesting debate, given the events of this week. There was an absolute disaster in Iowa where even now no one has officially been declared a winner and I am guessing sparks will fly between Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttgieg, who both claimed to have won there. There was also a very good speech by President Trump that was marred by Nancy Pelosi's childish behavior and, of course, President Trump was acquitted in the Senate for impeachment. In short, there will be a lot to discuss and unlike previous debates there is a chance of this one being fairly impactful.

In the past I have live tweeted debates as they happen on my Twitter and Gab accounts. However, I am likely to miss most or even all of this debate. I'm taking my Dad out to eat for his birthday and I seriously doubt I would be home before 8:00pm, and I hardly want to live tweet when I am spending time with my family (and I doubt they would be playing it at the restaurant!). To be honest, I will be having way more fun with my family than I would be watching the debate anyways. Why hold it on a Friday when everyone is busy in the first place?

If I had been aware that this debate was happening, I might have rescheduled things, but the truth is that I was totally unaware that there was a debate happening so soon after the last one. Indeed, there has been almost no media coverage of this debate until today, so you would be forgiven for not being aware of it. 

Still, given how bad the week has been for Democrats I am almost expecting the entire debate to go off the rails. When I get home tonight and turn on the TV, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Joe Biden sucker punched Bernie Sanders in the face. It's been that kind of week for the Democrats...

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