Thursday, October 19, 2017

John Kelly has the final word on the Niger phone call controversy...

The above video is moving stuff. It's Donald Trump's Chief of Staff, John Kelly, explaining how presidents contact the families of dead soldiers and how the current controversy erupted. If, somehow, you don't know what is going on, a congresswoman, Fredrica Wilson (D), claimed that she listened into a phone call that Trump made to one of the four soldiers that had died in a terrorist attack in Niger. She claimed that Trump had said that "he knew what he signed up for". 

Of course the statement was taken completely out of context and was made to imply that Trump didn't actually care about the fact that a young man had died defending his country. John Kelly destroys that narrative with his moving speech above. He's the one that explained to Trump what he should say that would comfort people and he wanted Trump to point out that anyone who joins the military does so under their own volition and are heroes for doing so.  

I always knew that this as a faux controversy in the first place. For one thing I don't trust anyone in Congress to ever say anything true when it comes to politics. I also don't trust any scandal that the media promotes because the vast majority of time it is a faux scandal. And I especially don't trust any scandal that targets Donald Trump. So many of them have fallen apart in the past that my prior is that any scandal targeting him is, at the very least, missing context. More often than not, it's a completely false narrative. 

Also, I never understood why saying "he knew what he signed up for" was a bad thing. I guess if it was the only thing you said it might be a little cruel, but within context it makes a lot of sense. John Kelly pointed this out and he makes it pretty clear that Trump meant it in a complimentary way. Nobody has to join the military and anyone that does knows that they can die in combat. That's why they are brave. They know that they are risking death to serve their country and do so anyways because that's what they signed up for. I can't think of higher praise. 

It seems very clear to me that there is a huge gap of what kind of person President Trump is and the kind of person the media and leftist portray him and actually believe he is. It's fairly obvious that Trump, at the very least, cares as much as previous presidents about the troops. You would know that if you listened to him and it is even clearer if you listen to people who he has visited or talked with in the wake of previous tragedies. But the media and the Democratic Party seem determined to portray him as the ultimate evil who isn't capable of any human emotion. So they take what he said, strip it of context, and then use it to make him look bad.

The truth of this matter is if people like Fredrica Wilson or the news media had granted Trump any charity at all this scandal would never would have happened. The only way anyone could think "he knew what he signed up for" as hateful is if you twist the words and take them out of context. Either because you are lying or because you are so disconnected from reality that you can't even admit to yourself that Trump isn't a monster even when he does something obviously human. 

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