Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Multiple F-18 pilots go on record saying they encountered UFO's.

FA-18 Super Hornets. Warzone/The Drive.

Five US Navy FA-18 Super Hornet pilots have said that they have encountered UFO's off of the East Coast of the United States as recently as 2015. Warzone/The Drive. Two of the pilots, from the Navy's Red Rippers squadron, went on record with the New York Times and said that the objects encountered displayed abilities that are far beyond our current levels of known technology. The objects were able to fly for hours and preform radical maneuvers that are conventionally impossible. The detection of these objects may have been due to greatly improved sensor technology, however in one case an object got so close to the F-18's that it actually crossed between two pilots. That close call spured a change in Navy regulations on reporting UFO incidents due to the obvious and extreme safety hazard these objects now posed. The object was described as a cube with a sphere around it, defying all known aircraft and drone design. The pilots didn't speculate much on what the objects could be but did say they did not belive it was secret US Military technology as they thought it would be unlikely that the government would test such technology near US forces training on the East Coast. 

The New York times article can be found here.

The now infamous "gimbal" video from 2004.

My Comment:
Very good reporting by Warzone/The Drive, along with the New York Times. The article helped fill in the gaps in the New York Times report and helped explain why we are all of a sudden hearing about UFO's. It seems pretty clear that our new sensor technology is helping to pick these things up, whatever they are. Even the 2004 tic-tac incident happened when the Navy was using advanced sensor technology, so it might explain why we are suddenly seeing these objects. 

The 2015 incident is pretty jaw-dropping and one that has serious implications for pilot safety. To have such an unpredictable and unexplained object fly so close to our pilots is obviously a huge threat. It could have very easily collided with one or both of them either forcing the pilots to eject or killing them outright. This incident helps explain why the Navy is suddenly taking these incidents seriously. Their main goal has to be the protection of their pilots and their planes so they are obviously very motivated to figure out what these things are. 

The descriptions of these objects are fairly bizarre. They have been described as tic-tac shaped or like a cube in a sphere, neither of which would be able to fly under our current technology. They also pull off maneuvers that not only would kill any pilot but seem to defy the laws of physics. They are pretty much impossible under our current technology but there is video, technological and eyewitness proof that something is going on out there. 

This is, of course, a huge threat to national security. Without knowing what these things are or who is controlling them, if they are indeed controlled, we don't know what they could potentially do. Any of the possible explanations, other than it being US tech or a natural phenomenon, means were are hopelessly outclassed technologically by... something. 

As for possible explanations for this phenomenon, there are quite a few. The most mundane is that these pilots are wrong and the sensors are just screwing up. It could be a computer glitch or just some unknown natural phenomenon confusing pilots. That explanation seems possible but unlikely due to the fact that more and more of these incidents are coming out and the existence of video for some of these objects. 

Another is that it is secret US technology. That's certainly possible, I remember way back in my childhood people reporting things like the F-117 Nighthawk and the B-2 Spirit as UFO's before they were publicly reveled during the Gulf War. If so though, the operators of these objects need to be challenged on their behavior as it seems likely that they are putting the US Navy at risk for no good reason.  

Much more concerning is the idea that this isn't US technology. That means that some other government or organization has technology that far exceeds the US military's. That is a huge, almost existential threat to the US and its interests. Who would control this tech is a mystery though as the list of possible suspects is very small and I don't think China, Russia, Japan or the various countries of Europe would test their tech like this. 

Most concerning of all is the possibility that these objects are not of this Earth. There isn't any evidence of that so far and the above options are much more likely, but the fact that it's even a possibility that is being discussed is fairly frightening. If these are extraterrestrial craft than there is probably very little we can do about it. And who knows what their intentions would be. 

This whole series of incidents and reports seem strange, not only because of their content but because of the reaction to it. If you would have asked me years ago what the reaction would be if the US government admitted that the military was having fairly frequent encounters with unknown objects and released video evidence and eyewitness testimony of those incident I would have said the reaction would have been earthshaking. Instead it seems to have flown completely under the radar. 

Why? I think part of it is the somewhat deserved reputation of UFO enthusiasts as being crazy conspiracy theorists. I mean, many of the people involved even with this are pretty out there individuals. Tom DeLonge is pretty out there and it was his Academy of Arts and Sciences that broke this story. And that's not counting the truly crazy people out there like David Icke and Bob Lazar. Certainly the public image of a UFO investigator is, well, this:

History Channel.

Part of it too is the fact that the US media is out to lunch on ANY story that isn't negative about Trump. There is no way to spin these incidents as being bad for President Trump so the US media has little incentive to cover it. Indeed, I have encountered a few people who haven't even seen the above posted video and that's probably due to bias in the US media. 

Still, even with the lack of coverage, I feel that this is a very important story and one that deserves further coverage. I will continue to blog about these incidents as long as they keep being reported. The entire world needs to know what these things are and what, if anything, they are doing. 

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