Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Illegal alien charged with supporting ISIS in New York.


Mansuri Manuchekhri. New York Post/DOJ photo. 

An illegal alien has been charged with supporting ISIS in New York. New York Post. Mansuri Manuchekhri was charged with sending $70,000 to supporters of ISIS-K in Syria and Turkey. The man also sent pictures of himself at gun ranges to the ISIS supporters. Manuchekhri was from Tajikistan and entered the United States in 2016 on a tourist visa. He married a stripper in 2017 in a sham marriage to stay in the country, but the effort failed as he failed to provide documents. He was ratted out by his ex-wife who told police that he was a threat. One of the men Manuchekhri was accused of sending money to was arrested by Turkey for the 2024 attack on a Catholic Church in Istanbul. It is unclear if he was planning his own attack while his lawyers have said his actions were efforts to help people. 

My Comment:

This is another example of how broken our immigration system is. This man never should have been in the country in the first place, but when he overstayed his visa, he was not removed. He was able to get a job as a trucker and amassed quite a bit of wealth. He sent $70,000 overseas and it sure looks like at least some of it was used on a terror attack. 

To be fair, the terror attack was mostly a failure. They were only able to shoot and kill one person, a disabled man, before their weapons jammed. But things could have been a lot worse and I do wonder if the attack would have happened if it wasn't for folks like Manuchekhri funding it. Either way, he never should have had the opportunity to even earn the money in the first place. 

I do wonder how he was able to get a trucking job and what company he worked for. I know the trucking industry is lacking drivers, but I doubt things are so bad that we have to hire actual terrorist illegal aliens. And I would be very interested in which company hired this man, they absolutely should be held to account for doing so.

Of course, the sham marriage is another example of why our immigration system is broken. It shouldn't be possible to stay in a country if you get married to a stripper and have no actual desire to start a family with her. Manuchekhri only met with his "wife" twice, once to get married and once to pay her off. I'd say that she should be charged in this scam as well but it seems like she is the one that turned him in, which kind of makes up for it. 

The defense is arguing that Manuchekhri was just sending money to widows and orphans but I doubt that. He was also supposedly said that he supported terrorists and I think that's probably true. And he sure seemed to like guns. That's not evidence of much, but his texts made it seem like he was actually training for a terrorist attack. I don't think his defense is going to be successful unless there is more information we are missing. 

Regardless, it does make me wonder how many more folks like Manuchekhri are in this country. Some of them are getting deported but this guy was here for a long time and had an established life in our country. I only hope that more folks like him are deported before they can cause more problems like this guy caused. 

I'd also point out that this kind of thing is probably where ISIS gets much of their funding. ISIS doesn't really hold much territory anymore and what they do hold is in Afghanistan, which isn't much of a tax base. That means they must be getting funding somehow and remittances from western countries might be a major source. All the more reason to deport these illegal aliens that could be funding terrorists. 

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