Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Rating Joe Biden's 1st year...


Joe Biden. White House photo.

As you may know, tomorrow marks the 1 year anniversary of Joe Biden being inaugurated as President. I thought that it would be a good idea to review his performance. Though I despise the man I do hope to keep this as objective as possible. That will be difficult because on any level, Biden has failed in this first year. 

About the only thing I can say that is good about Biden is he hasn't yet gotten us involved in a new war. The current high tensions with Russia may change that in year two but at the current moment, he has not gotten us into a new conflict. Indeed, if he manages to do that for his entire term that would be an aspect of his presidency that I would like. 

But I can't say much good about his foreign policy. Those current tensions with Russia I mentioned? Entirely the fault of his policy. We have no interest in bringing Ukraine into NATO and Russia is justifiably upset about it. Biden hasn't even tried to explain why defending Ukraine is in our interests at all or why we are focusing on Russia, a toothless joke that poses little threat, when China is actively screwing us over. 

Even more critically Biden utterly failed during his withdrawal from Afghanistan. I would give him credit for actually following through, we needed to end our mission in Afghanistan, but his execution was absolutely terrible. He didn't help keep the Afghan government standing, killed a bunch of civilians and let ISIS kill some of our troops and even more civilians. People won't forget our troops running away with our tails behind our legs or people falling off of our evacuation airplanes. 

Domestic policy has been terrible as well. His legislative agenda is pretty much dead. He did get an infrastructure bill passed, but I don't think anyone actually wanted that. Things like his stupid build back better bill and the election voter fraud bill did not survive due to Biden's ability to herd the Democrat cats. 

The major bills he did pass has caused massive economic damage. The Coronavirus relief bills and the infrastructure bill was paid for by printing new money. This obviously caused inflation. Even worse, Biden's energy policy, where he banned drilling and new pipelines, caused oil and gas prices to explode with no sign of coming down. 

There has also been a huge logistics nightmare that has been caused by the Biden White House. Hundreds of ships are still stacked up off of the coasts and we have all been seeing empty shelves at our grocery stores. 

What is causing all of this? It's mostly Biden's Coronavirus pandemic. Biden famously promised this summer that we had beaten the Coronavirus and then both Delta and Omicron proved him to be a liar. But it was his insistence on a vaccine mandate that has done more damage than anything else. Inflation, logistics, even the pandemic itself has been made worse on his insistence that vaccines should be mandatory. Even the Supreme Court saying he far exceeded his powers did not change his mind at all.

This has resulted in millions of people either quitting their jobs or getting fired for a medical policy that not only was unethical but didn't work. We saw both with Delta and Omicron that using a vaccine that was designed for the original virus didn't stop the spread. Some people may have been helped by the vaccines but they were by and large not the people that these mandates effected. And businesses, hospitals and even the military lost many of their best workers. That made just about every problem our country is facing worse. 

Biden's biggest problem is legitimacy. He never even tried to convince the American people that he was legitimately elected. We never got a day in court and none of our concerns with the fact that voting laws were illegally changed. Not to mention the obvious voter fraud that likely pushed him over the edge. 

Another problem for Biden is just basic competence. He is not in a good mental state, with the signs of dementia becoming even more clear. He hasn't been able to send any message out there at all and he hasn't been able to stop Democratic infighting. And his approval ratings have shown that America is sick of him. 

Can Biden turn it around? I guess it is possible but I don't see how. He has always doubled down when he has made mistakes and I can't see that changing. And year two may prove to be even worse for him than year one. He might get us into a war, the logistics crisis is getting worse and he's likely to lose control of the house and senate in the elections this year. 

The only thing that might help him is that I think that the Coronavirus wave is almost over. Omicron seems to be peaking and an infection seems to be a better vaccine than the actual vaccines. I am guessing that we are near the end of the pandemic. If Biden is even remotely smart he will back down on the virus restrictions (like the UK is doing now) and it might help his approval rating. But my guess is that he will continue to double down...  

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