Thursday, December 12, 2019

Tories win big in UK as Labor faces huge losses in election.

Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn.

The Tories are headed to a majority government while Labor is facing huge losses in UK election. Reuters. The election was primarily concerned with Brexit where Tories, led by Prime Minster Boris Johnson, supported it while Labor, led by Jeremy Corbyn, called for another referendum. Corbyn, an avowed socialist, is taking much of the blame for the loss as his platform was unpopular and his party was damaged by claims of antisemitism. He led the party far to the left as compared to the party's centrist history under Tony Blair and it appears to have alienated voters. If exit polling is correct than this will be the biggest victory for the Tories since the Margret Thatcher era. 

My Comment:
I'm far from an expert on British politics, so I will keep this short and sweet. I was expecting a Tory win as I doubt Boris Johnson would have even called for this election if he didn't know he was going to win. I was also expecting a landslide victory, and that appears to be the case. 

Why? Brexit. Though the media is blaming this on Corbyn I think it was more about the fact that people just want Brexit to happen. Even if they didn't vote for it, Labor's plan to just ignore the fact that the people voted for it probably made the Tories a much more attractive option. 

I always felt that Labor (and the Lib Dems) planned to overturn the results of the referendum and would do almost any dirty trick to get that accomplished. In that way they share the basic plan of the Democrats here in America. Winning them was so important to them that they didn't care if they were alienating their core voters who have left them in droves. 

Antisemitism came up in the UK election but I think the importance of it is way overblown. I think antisemitism is one of those things that is very important to the media and the political elite but is not something that anyone else cares about. I know whenever I hear about antisemitism my eyes glaze over and I get bored. It's not like there are jackbooted thugs running around beating the crap out of Jewish people in the UK, and most of the accusations were about Israel, the third rail of politics in both America and the UK.

The big question now is if Boris Johnson can actually deliver Brexit. I see this vote as a major mandate to get it done. If he can't pull it off than the Tories will be in big trouble. I know that even as an American I am sick of hearing about Brexit and I just want it done. If Johnson can't make it work with this mandate than it might not even be possible. 

As for Labor, I think that they need to learn a major lesson from this. Not respecting Brexit was a terrible move but that's not all they need to change. They need to get rid of their socialist party and run screaming to the center. Will they do so? I kinda doubt it. One of the things leftists just can't seem to do right now is make any kind of change. No matter what they do they keep doubling down...

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