Monday, June 5, 2023

Whistleblower says that the United States has recovered parts and equipment from crashed UFO's.


Former Intelligence Officer David Grusch. Daily Mail/News Nation. 

A whistleblower has said that the United States has recovered parts and equipment from crashed UFO's. The Daily Mail. Former intelligence officer David Grusch, who worked on the Department of Defense  Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force between 2019 and 2021 made the claim and forwarded material to congress and the office of Intelligence Community Inspector General. Grusch not only claims that recovered material came from an extraterrestrial intelligence but also that the government is studying those materials for the creation of weapons. Grusch's claims were confirmed by another former intelligence officer that worked in the UAP task force, Colonel Karl Nell. Grusch also filed a complaint against the Defense Department for retaliation. 

The Debrief has a longer article about Grusch and has other sources that publicly and anonymously confirm Grusch's claims. 

My Comment:

I'm of two minds on this one. On the one hand, we have done this song and dance before. Remember Bob Lazar?  Lazar made the claims that he had worked at Area 51 and that there were flying saucers there. Lazar's claims have mostly been dismissed given his falsification of his background. 

On the other hand, The Debrief article was well sourced with multiple people going on the record publicly to confirm the claims that Grusch made here. They also cited semi-anonymous sources (one source used a call sign that would conceal his identity to the public but not to the military). These people were folks that worked on the Defense Department's UAP team and have a bit more credibility than some crank like Bob Lazar. 

Furthermore, the specific claims are ones I have heard before. Indeed, here's an article pointing out that the Pentagon was contracting a Las Vegas based company to test recovered UFO materials. That article is from 2021 and further searches have found similar articles from as far back as 2017. So these claims are not exactly new. 

Still, it's a fairly major disclosure that these studies are happening and that things have been recovered from crashes. These are rather momentous claims though it's hard to believe them without seeing the evidence that Grusch gave to congress. 

Is it possible that Grusch is wrong or is making it up? Yes. Though many people have gone on the record supporting the story it's possible that Grusch is interpreting things his own way. I'm also not sure why he and some of the supporting people are not still in the UAP unit. Perhaps they got fired for bias in favor of the extraterrestrial theory? 

If he's right though? Then it's a huge deal. Indeed, it is a fairly big deal that the government is even acknowledging that they can't explain all UFO encounters. Most of them are confirmed to be natural or man made phenomenon but some defy explanation. If those objects are indeed extra terrestrial in origin then that means we aren't alone in the universe.

And it would raise some serious questions about what we can do about it and what the threat is. We would have no idea if these extra terrestrials would be hostile, benevolent or beyond comprehension. The technology that would be required to travel across the galaxy would be so far beyond our capabilities that if they were hostile there would be very little we could do about it. 

Finally, I do have to think that there has been a very big shift in who believes in UFO stories. The conspiracy fringe is a lot more skeptical of these claims than the mainstream is these days. They claim it's part of "Project Bluebeam" or, more sanely, say these claims are merely meant as a distraction against the failures of the Biden administration. That is certainly plausible, it would make sense. The Biden administration certainly has a lot of failures to cover up and if people are talking about UFO's they aren't talking about him. 

As for my thoughts, I'm agnostic on UFO's/UAP's or whatever you want to call them. I think it's plausible that aliens exist but it seems a lot less likely that they invented faster than light travel or simply don't care about time dilation. That being said I would not be surprised if this is all legit. I just am not sure that I would put money on it hyet. 

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