Thursday, July 21, 2022

House committee passes Assault Weapon ban...


AR-15's for sale at a Pennsylvania gun show. Fox News/AP.

The House Judiciary committee has passed bill that would ban assault weapons. Fox News. The Assault Weapons Ban 2021 (which was introduced last year) was passed on a 25-18 vote, though it is unclear if it would pass the House as several Democrats have said they would vote against it. The bill would ban most modern semi-auto rifles by name along with any that had any of the following features: 

“(I) A pistol grip.

“(II) A forward grip.

“(III) A folding, telescoping, or detachable stock, or is otherwise foldable or adjustable in a manner that operates to reduce the length, size, or any other dimension, or otherwise enhances the concealability, of the weapon.

“(IV) A grenade launcher.

“(V) A barrel shroud.

“(VI) A threaded barrel.

The ban would also cover most rifle caliber pistols and standard or large capacity magazines. Any weapons owned before the ban would be grandfathered in. 

The text of the proposed law can be found here. 

My Comment:

Talk about skewed priorities. When inflation is out of control, gas prices are spiraling and crime is rampant, this is what congress is focusing on? A gun ban that would result in a civil war if it were ever to pass? It's utter insanity. 

The good news is that I can't imagine any red state Democrat going along with this bill right before the 2022 election. Doing so would be a death sentence, metaphorically and possibly literally, for any vulnerable Democrat that is running in 2022. The Democrats are already facing a wipeout in 2022 and this would only ensure that it would happen. 

And the Senate? Forget it. I doubt any Republican senator would go for this and even then Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema are extremely unlikely to vote for this. And I think at least a couple more extremely vulnerable Democrats would also balk at this for the same reason as the folks in the house have. 

I don't think that this bill has any chance of becoming law unless somehow a blue wave happens in 2022, which is exceedingly unlikely. Biden would probably sign it since he's a damned fool that would do whatever his handlers want him to do. But it would only happen if Democrats felt safe after the election and had more than enough votes to overcome the filibuster in the Senate (or be willing to blow it up over this issue). 

I also don't think such a law would last against the Supreme Court. The current makeup of the court is a lot more likely to say no to assault weapons bans and has even ordered lower courts to redo cases based on the new standard set under Bruen which would require a historical review of gun restrictions. It would be extremely difficult to survive judicial review in this environment. 

The problem is that I doubt the case would ever be heard because at that point we would already be in a civil war. An assault weapons ban is the red line that if crossed will likely result in insurgency, especially now when the economy is in the toilet and with the least popular president in modern history. It would be a disaster and if it actually happens it would likely end America as we know it. 

With all that being said, if you care about gun rights at all you should contact your elected officials, which you can do here. And it shouldn't just be your member of the house, it should be your Senators, local officials and the President himself. It's usually very easy to do and you should do it regardless if your elected official is a Democrat or Republican. Just do it. 

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