Wednesday, November 3, 2021

My thoughts on the 2021 election...


By Kate Magee Joyce for Glenn Youngkin from Virginia, United States - Headshot_GlennYoungkin.

As you may be aware yesterday was the 2021 election. There were major races in Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and a few smaller races in other states. The night was a slaughter for the Democratic Party. They lost a huge election in Virginia where Republicans swept all three state races while in New Jersey, the governor's race there is as of this writing too close to call (though it appears some of the same voter fraud 4:00 AM drops may be happening there as well). 

Regardless of the outcome of New Jersey, the fact that it is close at all is remarkable. Same with Virginia, a state which Joe Biden won by 10 points. The minor races were wins for Republicans too, other than the race for New York City mayor. GOP took a state house seat in Texas and there was an open congressional seat that was defended by the the Republicans in Ohio. Plus a major "defund the police" bill was defeated in Minneapolis. Most shocking of all is a Republican won a  minor race in deep blue Seattle. 

The big question on everyone's mind is why did this happen. Virginia and New Jersey are deep blue states now but both had competitive races. And Democrats did poorly across the nation last night. Indeed, they lost quiet a few races that under normal circumstances they would have won. 

There were some Virginia specific things though. Youngkin was a lot more palatable for the Beltway neocons that infest the state when compared to President Trump. Those RINOS showed up for him but I doubt that would translate outside of a Virginia context. Terry McAuliffe ran a pretty terrible campaign too, making a huge gaffe saying that parents should not have a say on what their kids learn in school, which alone might have been enough to cost him the race. 

But I think this series of elections was more about the issues. Schooling and education was a big part of it. Democrats don't seem to realized how unpopular their policies in this area are. The three headed hydra of mask/vaccine mandates, critical race theory, and trans ideology might be popular on Twitter but people in Virginia (and possibly New Jersey as well)? They are sick of it. 

Of the three the Coronavirus mandates will likely be the least relevant going on. At least I hope like hell it won't be relevant in 2022, though you never know these days. That being said I don't think the Democrats either realize or care how disruptive and damaging these mandates are, especially considering the absurdly low risk children face from the disease. People are sick of distance learning, want their kids in school (for education purposes and because people need the free child care to actually work) and want their kids to be comfortable. Plus they don't want to give them vaccines given the extremely low threat they pose and the small chance of children spreading the virus in the first place. 

Critical race theory has legs though, and ironically enough it was exposed by the Coronavirus. Parents paid closer attention to what their students were being taught due to distance learning and they did not like what they found. In short, very few people will sign onto the idea that one race should be held responsible for the sins, real and perceived, of their ancestors. It's offensive to anyone who believes people should be judged based on their character and not on factors outside of their control. And it is no surprise that white people especially would have a problem with an ideology that demonizes them. That is what Critical Race Theory is and though they deny it, this racist crap is being taught in schools. Of course people would vote against that! It's a big reason why white women flipped from Biden to Youngkin in Virginia. 

But I think it may have been the trans issue that won Virginia at least (and helped elsewhere). People are deeply uncomfortable with forcing trans ideology on children and that was before the viral incident in Virginia's Loudon County. In that case a boy in a skirt was convicted of a brutal rape in a bathroom, an event that everyone on the left said would never happen. And when the father of the girl that was raped complained about it at a school board meeting, the board lied about it, had the cops arrest and beat the man and then let the attacker go ahead and do it to another teenage girl. It was a perfect storm that captured lightning in a bottle and showed everything that was wrong with the current Democrat Zeitgeist. 

Joe Biden's Presidency was also a massive factor. He has utterly failed as a President so far and a lot of people that voted for him deeply regret doing so. He failed in Afghanistan, leaving American citizens there to die and abandoning the country to the Taliban. He failed on the economy, with huge logistics problems cropping up and inflation out of control. And he failed on the Coronavirus, with the virus coming back strong under his watch along with his deeply unpopular vaccine mandates. In short he was an albatross around the necks of the Democrats and will continue to harm their chances in 2022 and, potentially, 2024. If the Democrats had any sense at all, they would impeach him and put Kamala in charge (not that she's any good either).  

The Democrats are already making excuses and I don't buy any of them. Nobody cares about their stupid infrastructure bills and the people that actually do care think it's a terrible idea to spend that much money. Progressives are blaming moderates and moderates are blaming progressives but I think they are both at fault. The Democratic Party strikes me as a deeply divided party and one that does not have a clear message about much of anything. 

The one thing they are united on though is doubling down and they have already been doing that this morning. A lot of pundits are calling everyone in Virginia racist even though they just elected a Black Lt. Governor and a Hispanic Attorney General. Given that this election result seems to be a direct result from that kind of talk it's obviously counter productive to do so. Though I would encourage them to continue it as it seems to be paying dividends against them. 

As for Republicans I think they should savor this victory but realize that complacency could be deadly. Voter fraud remains a threat and the only way to overcome it is to do what they did yesterday in Virginia. Show up in such numbers that a steal is impossible. It sure looks like it is happening in New Jersey right now. Until that issue is fixed they won't be able to rely on wins like they had last night... 

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