Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Controversial Republican Laura Loomer wins primary in Florida.

Laura Loomer during an appearance on Infowars. Alex Jones Channel. 

Controversial Republican Laura Loomer has won her primary race for the 21st Congressional District in Florida. Florida Politics. Loomer will now face Democrat incumbent Lois Frankel, who also won her primary race. Loomer beat five other candidates for the seat. Loomer gained fame as a conservative rabble rouser often appearing on far right sites like Infowars. Loomer was attacked by the left for anti-Muslim comments and was banned from most social media after criticizing Ilhan Omar for anti-semitism. Despite the controversy, Loomer had national appeal and was able to massively out-raise her primary opponents. Loomer is still considered a longshot to unseat Frankel, who won her seat in 2018 unopposed and won in 2016 by 25 points.

My Comments:
Let me say that I have never been a fan of Laura Loomer. She always struck me as more than a little crazy, plus I have always thought her antics were more damaging then helpful. Though, unlike a lot of the other right wing e-celebs, I don't doubt her sincerity. 

However, I think there is more than a little justice in her running for congress. Loomer has been banned from basically all social media. Though her comments about Ilhan Omar might have been offensive to some people, they are protected speech. Loomer did not break any laws with her words and though Omar herself might have been offended that's not a reason to ban her. 

I am guessing her bans are a major reason why Loomer both ran for congress and why she won her primary. She obviously wanted revenge and I am guessing that even people that don't like Loomer that much would vote for her if they thought her ban was unjust. If she does make it to congress I am guessing taking on the tech companies will be a major priority. 

As for the tech companies I don't think they can justify keeping Loomer banned anymore. If they don't allow her a campaign account I would consider it a campaign donation to Lois Frankel as well as election interference. They would be more than tipping the scale in the favor of her opponent and that can't stand. If they don't give her an election account then they should be punished. Severely. 

Does Loomer have a chance to win in Florida's 21st district? I'm not sure. It doesn't seem that likely given how blue of an area it is. Frankel hasn't had much competition and she won his last contested race by 25 points. That's a huge advantage to overcome and I'm not sure if she can pull it off. 

On the other hand, if anyone can do it it might be her. Loomer has national appeal and I am expecting a larger win for President Trump than he had in 2016. Loomer might be able to ride that wave and I am thinking that people are getting tired of the Democrats. Loomer would be a good protest vote, even though I don't have any idea of how good she would be if she actually got elected. 

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