Tuesday, September 12, 2023

House Speaker Kevin McCarty to greenlight impeachment inquiry vote for Joe Biden


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R). Fox News/Getty.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is expected to greenlight an impeachment inquiry vote against Joe Biden. Fox News. McCarthy is expected to say that an inquiry vote is the "next logical step" after reviewing findings from House committees which have been investigating the Biden family. Three committees have found evidence that Biden's son, Hunter Biden, leveraged his name to create deals with foreign governments. An impeachment inquiry would try to determine if Biden himself benefited from these deals illegally. 218 votes would be needed to launch the investigation but it is unclear if McCarthy has the votes as there are a few Republicans who do not support the investigation, either because they are skeptical against the charges or because they feel McCarthy is trying to use the vote to distract from budget issues and a possible government shutdown. However, if McCarthy were to not call the vote there is a real chance he would be removed from the House Speaker job. 

My Comment:

I certainly believe that Biden should absolutely be impeached and removed from office, along with Kamala Harris. Biden has been a terrible president on almost any level and there are dozens of reasons to impeach him. McCarthy appears to be going after the personal corruption angle but that's not even close to the worse thing he has done. Afghanistan, Ukraine, the border and the 2020 election are all valid reasons to remove Biden post-haste. 

But it's not going to happen. Even if this inquiry happens and managed to pass through the House, the trial would be in the Senate and there is no way that there are the 66 votes needed to remove Biden from office. Democrats will stick by their leader even if he was found in bed with a dead woman or live boy (and given the multiple videos of Biden sniffing, grabbing and straight up groping children we already know they don't care). And even getting all the Republicans in the Senate on board is a big ask as well. 

It might not even get that far as McCarthy might not have the GOP votes to actually start this inquiry. He can only afford to lose five votes and with two quoted as being skeptical about it he has very little room to maneuver. If he loses just a few more people then this whole thing would be done and it would be both hugely humiliating for him personally but it would totally demoralize the Republican Party. 

He absolutely does not have a choice though, Biden's corruption is so obvious at this point, to ignore it is to almost participate in it. There is little doubt in the average Republican or even Independent mind that Biden is in fact guilty of the crimes he is accused of. The only people that disagree either haven't heard the evidence (due to a captured media) or because they know it's true and are lying to protect their guy. If McCarthy were to not call this vote he would likely be kicked out of the job as Speaker of the House and it would be a major stain on his record. 

I don't really see how anyone in the Republican Party can disagree with impeaching Biden. I do understand that people want to deal with the budget and stop the Democrats from doing what they are doing, but that can also be done at the same time as impeaching Biden. The only thing I can think of is that they think it will hurt the party with voters, drawing the wrong lessons from Bill Clinton's impeachment and its failure to help Republicans. 

The big difference this time is that Biden is not only obviously guilty, he is also dramatically less popular than Clinton ever was. Plus it just looks weak to not respond to the Democrats' politically motivated show trials of Donald Trump. The Democrats will prosecute their political enemies using made up charges based on nothing but when Biden is stone cold guilty of the charges they won't even try to impeach him? Something's got to be done and it's only really a shame that it took the House so long to do so, given they chamber was captured last year. 

The only way I can see an impeachment inquiry backfiring is if the Democrats use it as an excuse to get rid of Joe Biden. Biden's historically unpopular, senile and incompetent. He could be replaced by someone that could actually campaign, like Gavin Newsome. Though I would approve of this since I am team "anyone but Biden", it could make it harder to win back the White House in 2024. With that being said, it sure seems like the Democrats are sticking with Biden through hell or high water, so I doubt that outcome would happen. 

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