Monday, January 18, 2021

The FBI was wrong about widespread violent protests over the weekend.


US troops stand guard outside of the Capitol. BBC/Getty.

Reports of violent protests and riots against Joe Biden over the weekend failed to materialize. BBC. The FBI had warned that violent protests would happen over the weekend in response to the election. However, very few protests that happened and those that did were sparsely attended. The FBI claimed that right wing groups had posted on message boards saying that they were going to attempt to overthrow the government but actual right wing groups, like the Proud Boys, said that their people should stay away due to heavy security or the high potential for false flags or government traps. National Guard troops were deployed at all 50 state capitols and more than 25,000 troops have been stationed at the US Capitol.

My Comment:

As I expected there was no violence at the state capitols or in Washington DC. Why was I so confident? Because the right wing isn't stupid. There was very little to gain from violent protests and a whole hell of a lot to lose. 

And the right wing in America? Pussycats. The US capitol raid was the biggest thing they have done in years and even that remained mostly peaceful outside of a few fringe people on the right and Antifa and BLM infiltrators. The right rarely resorts to violence and when they do they don't do it in a stupid way. I can't think of anything stupider than trying to attack fortified positions like the various state capitols. The media always predicts violence at right wing protests and in the vast majority of cases it never materializes. Indeed, during the Virginia gun rights rally, not only did nothing happen, people actually cleaned up after themselves. 

Right wing folks also aren't idiots either. It was very clear from the start that these "protests" were not organic at all. I visit many of the right wing sites and I didn't see anything remotely like what the FBI was claiming. Indeed, all I saw was people saying to stay the hell away since it was so obviously an FBI plot to entrap people. 

After all, that's pretty much what the FBI does. They encourage radicals so they can arrest them in order to claim credit for crimes that wouldn't exist if they didn't create them. This is what they have done for right wing groups for years and it's also what they did with ISIS, with the most notable case being the attack on the "draw Muhammad" contest.

I think it's also clear that the incoming Biden administration is completely unhinged. There has been no specific threat of violence and no organized protest movement. The capitol incident was mostly spontaneous and President Trump has given no indication that he will fight (even though he would be totally justified in doing so). I am guessing that the inauguration will go off without a hitch and Biden will start his joke of a presidency looking like a damn fool. 

But is there a potential for violence? Sure. The Democrats, media and Joe Biden himself have seen to have drawn all the wrong lessons from the capitol raid. Keep in mind that millions of people think the election is stolen and that Biden is out to get them. It's very clear that Biden hates middle America and might move against them. He also might push gun control which more than anything else could lead to widespread violence. 

In the short term though? I sincerely doubt that we will see any violence this week and if we do it's going to be left wingers in some kind of false flag. It's possible we could see some violence from our foreign enemies who know for a fact that Joe Biden is weak, senile and not in control of the country. But there isn't going to be a right wing uprising. 

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