Wednesday, January 6, 2021

My thoughts on the storming of the US Capitol


Trump supporters in the US Capitol. AFP.

As you are most certainly aware today was an eventful day to say the least. President Trump held an absolutely massive rally on the same day Congress was supposed to certify the election for Joe Biden. During President Trump's speech several hundred alleged supporters managed to enter the US Capitol building. 

The media are acting like this is both an unprecedented thing and something that is unexpected. It is neither. Protesters have regularly disrupted government offices and even recently. A good example of this was the Kavanaugh hearing where left wing protesters often interrupted the procedures. And it's not even the only time that there was violence as back in 1954 a bunch of Puerto Rican separatists broke into the Capital and shot five Representatives 

Luckily for the members of congress, the only person that got shot today was one of the protesters. Though all the details haven't been released I do know that she was a woman and she was shot and killed trying to enter where the representatives were in the process of certification. I won't really comment on what happened there as I think it is way to early to speculate on whether the shooting was justified or not (I am leaning towards not but who knows) but that was about the only real violence today, other than some scuffles with the police. 

To say the reaction to this event is absurd is to dramatically understate the case. This was a mostly peaceful protest with very little violence and a little property destruction. I don't approve of the violence and property destruction but compared to even the small riot we had up here in Green Bay over the summer it was nothing. Indeed, compared to the activities of Black Lives Matter this event was almost quaint. 

But the media is acting like this was a full on insurrection and some GOP politicians, including a few congress members, senators and VP Mike Pence are agreeing. All I can say for those GOP politicians is prepare to be primaried during your next election. And VP Pence has no chance of winning in 2024 now that he has betrayed not only President Trump, but the voters who supported Pence as VP through the past four years. 

I do have to say that a lot of people are saying that it was Antifa that broke into the Capitol. I don't think that is likely though I am guessing there were a few Antifa agitators in the crowds. And there were probably a few other bad actors looking to stir up trouble, most notably e-Celebs Baked Alaska and Nick Fuentes, far right frog twitter types. I think a false flag is possible but Antifa is way too stupid to pull it off successfully. 

Was this protest justified? Parts of it were. I am not a fan of property destruction and I don't support anyone who scuffled with the police. But I do think that this country is on a dark path and that this event should be a wake up call for a lot of people.

Why? Because this is what happens when you completely ignore 74 million people. These are the people that feel disenfranchised and without a voice in the first place, that's why they put President Trump into office back in 2016. But in the past couple of years the average Trump voter has been treated like trash by both the media and the government. 

People are saying this is about voter fraud, and though I think that is part of it, it's not the whole story. Whether or not you agree that voter fraud happened and was enough to change the outcome of the election you have to admit that the idea never got a fair hearing. The cases never got their day in court, the people were unable to make arguments without being censored and ignored and evidence was destroyed en-mass. We even had observers banned from observing the elections, both back in November and yesterday in Georgia. 

That's not a free and fair election. If the various state and federal government authorities had allowed an actual audit of the vote this would have never happened. If SCOTUS had taken up the case, even if they ruled against President Trump, this would have never happened. If the media had even given a fair hearing to the idea that voter fraud exists and election security this would have never happened. The fact of the matter is that the concerns of 74 million Americans (or more as non-voters are concerned as well) were completely ignored and a lot of people feel like their vote no longer matters at all. That's a huge problem and hopefully this protest will wake the government up a bit. There has to be some movement on this issue and fast.

With that being said this wasn't just about voter fraud. It is about the horrible way the media and the government has treated the average American. Never has the gap between what the politicians and media want and what the actual people want been wider. And it's not just a Republican issue, as the radical left is about to find out, the system does not like change. The second Biden is sworn in activists like Antifa, Black Lives Matter and anyone to the left of Nancy Pelosi will be pushed to the side. 

There is a huge amount of bipartisan anger in this country and there is no better example of this than the latest Covid relief bill/omnibus spending bill. Our government spend billions of dollars on foreign entities, wasted on countries that actively hate us, but couldn't even cut a check for $2000 for working families in one of the worst economic crises our country has seen. 

This anger was justified and I think the people are right to be upset. Indeed, Congress should be thankful that the incident was restrained as it was. All it would have taken for this to have been a real problem was a couple of guys with guns. And it's not like that isn't still an option... 

With that being said though, I don't expect more violence. This felt like a pressure valve was opened for the MAGA crowd and a lot of the anger will likely dissipate. A very strong message was sent and I think there is a decent chance that Congress will learn a lesson here. At least a few of them were reminded today that they serve at the pleasure of the people instead of the other way around.

Of course the media and the tech companies are doubling down, which is my only real worry here. Temporally banning President Trump from social media is about the worst thing you could do, especially when he was about the only one out there that actually seems to understand how angry everyone is and is calling for peace. Not letting people express how they feel is how this happened in the first place. 

What happens next is uncertain. It doesn't seem like the effort to expose the 2020 election is going to succeed and there is a strong possibility that Joe Biden will become President. Honestly it's going to be up to President Trump. It's very clear that if he wanted to cross the Rubicon and become Caesar instead of President he could do so. But I don't think there is any evidence that will happen. President Trump has never been the tyrant that the left has portrayed him as and though I think he will continue to fight I don't see him taking over in a counter-coup. However, as I said after the election, whatever he does, almost all of his followers will support him. 

The good news is that the Democrats have been kneecapped entirely. Though they may have captured all three houses of government they will not have anything near a mandate. If they try to push anything controversial this will happen again and again, and it might not even remain peaceful. Though they have been utter idiots lately I do think that they will take the example of Barack Obama, who backed down against the right the last time they got all protesty. Obama very wisely did not push for gun control during his Presidency (at least not directly) and backed down rather quickly when the Bundy Ranch standoff happened. If the Democrats have any sense at all they will do everything in their power to avoid another Ruby Ridge or Waco situation as they understand what the reaction to that will be in this environment. At least I hope to God that they do...

If there is anything that does piss me off about today's event (other then the minor property damage and the death obviously) it's the utter hypocrisy on display here. For the past four or five years the left has rioted, burned and murdered whenever they didn't get their way. They tried to tear down every single institution and tradition. We were told those were peaceful protests and that their time has come. Well today I leave you with the words of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...

That's it for now. This was a longer post than usual and I will probably go back to covering other stories tomorrow. I started this blog to cover stories that don't get enough coverage while I get the impression that this one will get way more than it deserves. I will close with this though. America has made it through bigger events then this, even in my lifetime. The country will survive and though the next couple of weeks and months might get a little sketchy I am confident that we won't descend into violence. Stay strong folks! 

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