Sunday, April 5, 2020

UK Prime Minster Boris Johnson admitted to a hospital for Coronavirus.

UK Prime Minster Boris Johnson. MSNBC/Bloomberg.

UK Prime Minster Boris Johnson has been admitted to a hospital for Coronavirus 10 days after being diagnosed. MSNBC. The government said that the admission was a precautionary measure due to the Prime Minster's high fever and persistent symptoms. Johnson is the highest ranking government official diagnosed with Coronavirus and has been self-isolating even as he continues to run the country. Johnson's fiance, Carrie Symonds, has also been diagnosed with the Coronavirus. Symonds has also been diagnosed with the Coronavirus. 

My Comment:
Just a quick post about Johnson. I had just been thinking the other day that we hadn't heard much from him and his diagnoses, at least here in the United States. I was hoping he was recovering but it looks like that isn't the case. 

Thought the UK government is trying to spin this as not a big deal, I don't think it's a good thing that Johnson has been admitted to the hospital. It doesn't sound like he is getting better at all. Generally speaking Coronavirus is a slowly progressing disease so it's not surprising that Johnson symptoms got worse. 

I do have to say that it's bad enough that Johnson is sick, but his fiance is as well. She's pregnant which complicates things quite a bit. She is a lot younger than him though so hopefully she and her baby will be fine. I honestly wonder if that isn't hurting Johnson here as he is probably very worried about her and their child. That kind of stress probably isn't helping things, especially since Johnson is already under a great deal of stress due to being responsible for the citizens of the United Kingdom. 

Johnson is at a much higher risk. Though he is in his fifties, he's still at risk. Generally the death rate starts to go up after the age of 50 so it's not impossible that Johnson could succumb to the disease. He seems to be otherwise healthy and as far as I know he doesn't have any of the risk factors like preexisting conditions. He is also getting the best care in the UK and will likely get whatever treatment is available. 

Should the unthinkable happen and Johnson does succumb to the virus it will throw the UK into chaos. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is next in line but losing a world leader would have a huge impact, and not just for the UK. 

I do have to say that the Coronavirus does not care about what your position is in life. It doesn't matter if you are a homeless man or one of the most important leaders of the Western world. Everyone, regardless of wealth, power, race or creed, is vulnerable to catching the disease...

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