Wednesday, February 10, 2016

About the next two presidential debates...

As you may know there are two presidential debaters coming up. The Democrats go first on Thursday night in Milwaukee. It will be on CNN and PBS. I will be watching it and I will also be live tweeting it. As always, my twitter account can be found here. I may not tweet through the entire debate, but I will at the very least do some reactions to it. I probably won't write up a reaction post, unless something amazing happens.

The second debate is on Saturday on CBS. Unfortunately, I won't be able to see it. I am about 95% sure that I will have to work another overtime shift this weekend, so I will probably be at work when the debate happens. I could try and get out of it, but I doubt anyone would appreciate it if I used the "I'm watching a political debate and posting about it on my blog" to get out of work. I might be able to listen to some of the debate on the radio, but I am not going to be able to listen closely due to work.

Which is very disappointing because I am expecting sparks to fly. Rubio got emasculated in the last debate due to Chris Christie pointing out that he only has memorized responses. With Christie out of the race, I am not sure if Rubio will be attacked quite as severely. I do expect that all the establishment candidates will fight each other while Donald Trump and Ted Cruz will mostly focus on each other.

At least I will be able to cover the Democrat's debate. It will be very interesting how Hillary Clinton reacts to losing in New Hampshire. She may go on the offensive to attack Bernie Sanders in an effort to regain the momentum. She will also go strong when it comes to gun control and Black Lives Matter. The next state is South Carolina, so it makes sense to try and pander to the black votes.

That's all for the updates, but I do have a few questions I would like to be able to ask in the Democratic Debate...

-Hillary Clinton, after being defeated in New Hampshire and losing among all groups, is your campaign in trouble?

-Bernie Sanders, even though you tied in Iowa and utterly destroyed Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, you are still very far behind Clinton in delegates due to the Democrat's super delegate system. Isn't a terrible idea to let famous and important Democrats to decide the election this way? Shouldn't a new system, like the one the Republicans have, be put into place?

-Hillary Clinton, your supporter Madeline Albright said recently that there is a "special place in hell" for women who don't support you. Since Bernie Sanders overwhelmingly won female voters, does that mean a lot of women are going to hell? And isn't it completely sexist to imply that the only thing that matters in this election is voting in a woman?

-Hillary Clinton, nobody is buying that you aren't the establishment because you are a woman. Indeed, you are the very definition of establishment because you are a former first lady and Secretary of State. Do you really think people will buy what you are selling?

-Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton has recently commented claiming that many of your supporters are sexist and terrible due to the actions of a few trolls on the internet, who might not even be your supporters. Why aren't you defending your supporters from these horrible accusations?

-Hillary Clinton, isn't having your husband, Bill Clinton, an accused rapist, an accused sexual harasser and a confirmed cheater, attack the supporters of Bernie Sanders the height of hypocrisy?

-Bernie Sanders, you said that nobody cares about Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal. Well, the FBI cares and they are currently investigating Hillary Clinton for corruption and leaking secrets. If you are the president and the FBI finds evidence of wrong doing, will you have the Justice Department prosecute Hillary Clinton?

-Hillary Clinton, Lena Dunham has been seen campaigning for you. Are you aware that she falsely accused an innocent man of rape and has admitted to molesting her sister in her autobiography?

-Hillary Clinton, your health has come into question. During the last debate you looked tired and haggard and there have been multiple reports of your health failing. Given the high stress of campaigning for and actually being the President, isn't possible, or even likely, that you would die in officer, or even before getting elected? Or, even worse, could you be rendered incompetent by your illness, leaving America with a president not capable of doing her duties?

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